periya thirumozhi – 3.2.8 – mAvAyin angam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

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mAvAyin angam madhiyAdhu kIRi mazhaimA mudhu kunRu eduththu Ayar thangaL
kOvAy nirai mEyththu ulaguNda mAyan kuraimA kazhal kUdum kuRippudaiyIr!
mUvAyiram nAnmaRaiyALar nALum muRaiyAl vaNanga aNangAya sOdhi
dhEvAdhi dhEvan thigazhginRa thillaith thiruchchithra kUdam senRu sErmingaLE

Word-by-Word meanings

mAvin – kESi, the horse, its
vAy – mouth
angam – body
madhiyAdhu – not considering to be worthy
kIRi – tore and threw down (rain poured by indhra)
mazhai – for the hail storm
mA – huge
mudhu – ancient
kunRu – the mountain named gOvardhanam
eduththu – lifted up as umbrella
Ayar thangaL kOvAy – as the king of cowherds
nirai – herd of cows
mEyththu – tended (during praLayam)
ulagu – the world
uNda – one who placed in his divine stomach
mAyan – amazing person’s
kurai – resounding due to the ornaments
mA – great
kazhal – divine feet
kUdum – to reach
kuRippudaiyIr – oh you who are having the thoughts!
mUvAyiram – three thousand
nAnmaRaiyALar – brAhmaNas
nALum – daily
muRaiyAl – matching their true nature
vaNanga – as they worship
aNangAya – divine
sOdhi – radiant
dhEvAdhi dhEvan – sarvESvaran
thigazhginRa – shining
thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam – thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam
senRu sErmingaL – go and reach.

Simple translation

emperumAn, not considering kESi to be worthy, tore and threw down its mouth and body; as the king of cowherds, he lifted up the huge, ancient mountain named gOvardhanam as umbrella and tended the herd of cows; oh you who are having the thoughts to reach the great, resounding (due to the ornaments which are present as decoration), divine feet of the amazing person who placed the world in his divine stomach! Go and reach thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam where divinely radiant sarvESvaran is shining as three thousand brAhmaNas worship him daily, matching their true nature.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

mAvAyin … – emperumAn, the amazing person, effortlessly tore kESi’s mouth and the body into two pieces; being the king of the cowherds, he tended the cattle by lifting the great, ancient gOvardhana mountain during the hail storm caused by indhra and placed the world in his divine stomach; oh you who are having thoughts to reach the resounding (due to the ornaments), sweet divine feet!

muRaiyAl vaNanga aNangAya sOdhi – As they worship him as instructed in SAsthram, radiant sarvESvaran remains the refuge for them.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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