SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Second centum >> Second decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
sOththa nambi enRu thoNdar miNdith thodarndhu azhaikkum
Aththa nambi sengaNambi Agilum dhEvarkkellAm
mUththa nambi mukkaNambi enRu munivar thozhudhu
Eththum nambi emperumAn evvuL kidandhAnE
Word-by-Word meanings
thoNdar – SrIvaishNavas who are ananyaprayOjanas (those who don’t expect any benefit other than kainkaryam]
miNdi – densely gather
nambi – Oh one who is complete with all auspicious qualities!
sOththam enRu – saying “we worship you”
thodarndhu – continuously
azhaikkum – those who praise
Aththan nambi – one who is complete in being most trustworthy
sengan nambi – is complete with the beauty of his reddish eyes;
Agilum – though he is like this
dhEvarkku ellAm – for all the dhEvathAs
mUththa nambi – for brahmA who was born before
mukkaN nambi – saying “one who remains as antharyAmi of rudhra who has three eyes”
munivar – sages such as sanaka et al
thozhudhu – surrender
Eththum – to praise
nambi – one who is complete
emperumAn – my lord
evvuL kidandhAnE – is reclining in thiruvevvuL.
Simple translation
SrIvaishNavas who are ananyaprayOjanas densely gather saying “Oh one who is complete with all auspicious qualities! We worship you” and continuously praise emperumAn who is complete in being most trustworthy and is complete with the beauty of his reddish eyes; though he is like this, sages such as sanaka et al surrender and praise saying “one who remains as antharyAmi of brahmA who was born before all the dhEvathAs, and rudhra who has three eyes”; my complete lord is reclining in thiruvevvuL.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
sOththam – The words which are recited by humble persons, to surrender unto him and make him shower his mercy. The trustworthy lord who is called out by vaishNavas who will jostle and say along the lines of “Oh one who is the abode of all auspicious qualities! We worship you”.
nambi – One who remains without any shortcoming due to being most trustworthy.
When asked “Who is that person who remains like this?” AzhwAr says,
sem kaN nambi – He is well known through SAsthram that he is puNdarIkAksha (lotus-eyed) as said in vishNu dharmam 99.27 “yagyESa: yagya purusha: puNdarIkAksha samjhitha:” (One who is worshipped in yagyas; one who accepts the offerings of yagya; one who is known as lotus eyed).
Agilum – Though he is like this.
dhEvar … – Being the antharyAmi for four-headed brahmA who is born before all dhEvathAs and for rudhra who has an extra eye on his forehead, the one who is praised by sanaka et al as the one who is performing srushti etc. Thus, though he is having distinguished, divine form and is totally distinct from all other entities, he remains as antharyAmi for brahmA et al and performs creation etc and is praised by sanaka et al; such emperumAn is reclining in thiruvevvuL.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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