thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi – 11 – vAyum thirumAl

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Essence of thiruvAimozhi 2.1


In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of considering all entities as equally suffering as himself and is mercifully explaining it.

How is that done? AzhwAr greatly desired for emperumAn as in thiruvAimozhi 1.3.10peru nilam kadandha nalladip pOdhu ayarppilan alaRRuvan thazhuvuvan vaNanguvan” (emperumAn has a blackish hue which resembles dark clouds, casually measured the earth with his beautiful lotus feet. I will be firmly engaged with his lotus feet, not forgetting him (meditating upon him constantly), blabbering his glories with my mouth, embrace him with great love and offer obeisances bowing down my head – thus engaging all my 3 faculties of senses (mind, speech and body) in his service), but could not enjoy emperumAn as desired; due to the shadguNa sAmyam (equivalence in six aspects between jIvAthmAs and SrI mahAlakshmi), AzhwAr lost his own state, assumed the state of a pirAtti (consort of emperumAn) and was able to send a messenger in thiruvAimozhi 1.4anjiRaiya mada nArAy“; but here, as said in thiruvAimozhi 1.10.9nambiyaith then kuRungudi ninRa” etc, AzhwAr desired to enjoy archAvathAra emperumAn who has unlimited supremacy, simplicity and beauty, who is present in thirukkuRungudi so that even those who are subsequent to bhagavAn‘s avathArams (incarnations), can reach out to him; but here too, AzhwAr could not enjoy emperumAn and hence becomes bewildered; he then considers worldly entities such as crane, ibis, ocean, northerly wind, sky, moon, darkness, salt pans, lamp etc are also suffering in separation from bhagavAn like himself, and speaks with grief on behalf of them too, in thiruvAimozhi 2.1vAyum thiRai ugaLum“; mAmunigaL mercifully explains this starting with “vAyum thirumAl“.


vAyum thirumAl maRaiya niRka ARRAmai
pOy vinji mikka pulambudhalAy – Aya
aRiyadhavaRROdu aNaindhazhudha mARan
seRivArai nOkkum thiNindhu


word-by-word meanings

vAyum – has the nature of approaching (the devotees, to be enjoyed by them)
thirumAl – Sriya:pathi (lord of SrI mahAlakshmi)
maRaiya niRka – was hiding (to be not seen by AzhwAr) (due to that)
ARRamai pOy vinji – the sorrow increased
mikka pulambudhalAy – reaching state of uncontrolled weeping
Aya aRiyadhavaRROdu – those which cannot analyse his sorrow (due to being achEthana (insentient))
aNaindhu – embraced them
azhudha – cried (having them as equal partners in suffering)
mARan – AzhwAr
seRivArai – devotees
thiNindhu nOkkum – firmly bless with his merciful eyes.

Simple Translation

As the SrIya:pathi who approaches his devotees, was hiding, AzhwAr‘s sorrow increased and he reached a state of uncontrolled weeping; he embraced those which cannot analyse his sorrow and cried; such AzhwAr firmly blesses the devotees with his merciful eyes.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam

  • vAyum thirumAl maRaiya niRka – Sriya:pathi who has the nature of approaching his devotees to be enjoyed by them, separated and hid himself from AzhwAr, to control the enjoyment. mAmunigaL is repeating (thirumAl) what AzhwAr said in thiruvAimozhi 1.10.4maindhanai malarAL maNavALanai” (the eternally youthful husband of srI mahAlakshmi); it can also be considered to be repeating what is said in “nIyum thirumAlAl” (was your heart also stolen by SrIman nArAyaNa) [pAsuram 1]. As said in thiruvAimozhi 1.10.11maNiyai vAnavar kaNNanaith thannadhOr aNiyai” (bhagavAn who has a form which resembles radiant precious gem, who is the controller of nithyasUris, and who is decorated naturally having none to compare against him), due to emperumAn who is having supremacy, simplicity and beauty, separating.
  • ARRamai pOy vinji mikka pulambudhalAy – As said in “ArAdha kAdhal” (never-satiating love) [pAsuram 11], the suffering in separation became too much to handle, and as said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 102.4 “sIthE mruthasthE svasura: pithrA hInOsi lakshmaNa” (Oh sIthA! your father-in-law passed away; Oh lakshmaNa! you have lost your father), lamenting repeatedly saying “emmE pOl nIyum” (you too are suffering like me).
  • Aya aRiyAdhavaRROdu aNaindhu azhudha mARanAzhwAr who cried embracing the achEthana (insentient) entities which cannot analyse his sorrows, considering them to be equal partners in his suffering saying “ARRAmai solli azhuvOmai” (crying and lamenting about the helpless state) [7th pAsuram]. azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr too said in AchArya hrudhayam “kARRum kazhiyum katti azha” (AzhwAr cried along with wind and salt pan).
  • seRivArai nOkkum thiNindhu – AzhwAr will firmly bless those who confidentially surrender without any expectation. He will bless them so that they will be blissful by uniting with emperumAn unlike himself who had to embrace achEthana entities and cry.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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