uththara dhinacharyA – 6

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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unmeelat padhma garba dhyuthithalamupari ksheerasangaatha gauram
raagaa chandhra prakaasa prachuranakamani dhyotha vidhyothamaanam |
angulyagreshu kinchit natamati mrudulam ramajaamaatruyogee
divyam tatpaaha yugmam disatu sirasi me deshikendro dayaalu: ||

Word to Word meaning:

dayaalu:= one who is of the aspect of compassion
desikendra:= the supreme among the gurus
ramya jaaamatru yogee= Azhakiya manavaaala maamunikal
unmeela garbha dhyuti talam=lustrous feet like the insides of the just blossoming lotus petals
upari=in the upper side
ksheera sanghata gauram= white like the sweetened milk
raagaa chandraprakaasha prasura nakha manidhyota vidhyotamaanam=lustrous nails like the white of the full moon
anguli agreshu=the end parts of the nails
kinchit natam=slightly bending
ati mrdulam=very soft
divyam=not of this world
tat=extremely exalted
paada yugmam=his two feet
me  shirasi=should grace my head


From this stanza, next six slokas are in the form of stotra by discioles.   In the first sloka one disciple appeals to Mamuni to put his feet on his head as its decoration.  Dayalu=one for whom compassion is natural.  Like Sri Ramanuja Mamuni is also compassionate to disciples not due to the service rendered like other acharyas, but by nature. dishati upadishati iti deshika:= one who teaches meanings of sastras is desika.  desikaanaaam indra:=deshikendra;  Chief to the Acharyas who are Deshikas. Chief of the Acharyas means possessing the wisdom, practice congruent to wisdom, compassion unto all.  maamuni’s feet are pink like lotus, the nails are white like the moon, and generally the whole feet are fair, smooth and soft.  As Mamuni is  an incarnation of Adisesha his feet are described as Apraakrtam, not of this world, but a supreme thing of Paramapada.  They are not low and cheap like those of the samsaaris of this world.   The description earlier, “Unmeelat padmagarbha”, all those are the aspects of beauty which qualify a person as a uttamapurusha.  This disciple appeals to Mamuni to grace him with those feet for which  he is naturally eligible as  a shishya.  Like Nammazhwar praying in Tiruvaaimozhi, “Nin sem maa paada parpu(padmam) thalai serththu”, here a disciple prays to Mamuni requesting him to grace with his feet as he is his Acharya, “paada yugma shirasi dishatu me”

Though this sounds like a sentence in third person, may Mamuni grace me, the real intent is in personal request to Mamuni from the disciple. This will be clearer in the next slokas.

Translation by vangIpuram sadagOpa rAmAnuja dAsan

Source: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2016/09/uththara-dhinacharya-tamil-6/

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