SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
Let the unseen benefit of removal of sins be there; AzhwAr wonders at the joy that those who see him and worship him have. If we look at the transformation in rudhra, who is full of thamO guNam (ignorance, laziness etc) and who is always angry, on hearing the divine names of emperumAn by chance, should we say anything about those who see him directly and worship him?
Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:
kaNdu vaNanginarkku ennAngol kAmanudal
koNda thavaththARku umai uNarththa vaNdalambum
thAralangal nINmudiyAn than peyarE kEttirundhu angu
Aralangal AnamaiyAl Ayndhu
Word for Word Meanings
kAman – manmadhan’s
udal – body
koNda – one who turned it into ashes
thavaththARku – Siva who carries out the penance
umai – (his wife) pArvathi
uNarththa – as she indicated
vaNdu alambum thAr alangal nIN mudiyAn than peyarE kEttirundhu – on hearing the divine names of emperumAn who dons garland on his long crown, and on which beetles keep swarming
angu – at that moment itself
Ar alangal Anamai – becoming transformed
AyndhAl – if one were to analyse
kaNdu vanaginArkku – those who see and worship
en Am kol – what sort of transformation will take place? (cannot be said easily)
kAman udal koNda thavaththARku – to rudhra who carries out penance, and who burnt the body of kAma (manmadha) who created love (in him) towards his wife (pArvathi). To rudhra who has such a cruel nature that he would spend the strength of all his penance in destroying the person who created desire in him.
udal koNda thavaththARku – the benefit of carrying out penance is to destroy someone. One who is so hard hearted. The implied meaning is that such a hard hearted person melted on hearing the divine names of emperumAn.
umai uNarththa – pArvathi says. This narrative is as follows: Once when rudhra was meditating, pArvathi asked him “kam thvamarchayasE dhEva! kim dhaivamadhikam thava I japahOma namaskArai: tham vadhasva mahESvara II” (Oh Lord! Who are you worshipping through japa (prayers), hOma (ritual by growing fire), namaskAra (salutation)? Who is the deity who is superior to you? mahESvara! Please tell me about him). She started singing the divine names of emperumAn in a way which was sweet to the ears. rudhra asked her to sing the divine names more and more and became very emotionally weak.
umai uNarththa – hearing her recite the divine names of emperumAn as pArvathi was asking him doubts by chance, rudhra started hearing from her, matter relating to emperumAn, thus changing the order of teacher – student (the student became teacher and teacher became student).
vaNdalambum thAralangal nINmudiyAn than peyarE kEttirundhu – the moment he heard and meditated on the divine names of emperumAn, on whose long crown thuLasi garlands were decorated and on which beetles came to swim in the nectar.
vaNdalambum thAralangal nINmudiyAn – nammAzhwAr mercifully said in thiruvAimozhi 1-9-7 “sudar mudi mElum punaindha thaNNandhuyAyudai ammAn” (my lord who has cool thuLasi on his resplendent crown); vaNdalambu – some interpret this as beetles humming.
nIN mudiyAn – emperumAn has a long crown which manifests his supremacy, as mercifully mentioned by kUraththAzhwAn in SrI varadharAja sthavam “AdhirAjyamadhikam bhuvanAnAmISa thE piSunayan kila mouli:” (your crown bears the tale that you are the lord of all the worlds).
angu AralangalAnamai AyndhAl kaNdu vaNanginArkku ennAngol – as soon as one hears emperumAn’s divine name, just as mercifully sung by various AzhwArs “kAlAzhum nenjazhiyum kaN suzhalum” (I will be unable to stand as legs will wobble, heart will sink, eyes will roll), “uLLelAmurugi kural thazhuththozhindhEn” (heart melted and voice stammered), “AhlAdhaSItha nEthrAmbU: pulakIkrutha gAthravAn sadhA paraguNAvishta:” (the devotee on hearing the divine names of emperumAn, will have tears of joy and goose pimples, being enslaved by the superior qualities of emperumAn). When one analyses these situations, in all of which the devotee hears the divine names of emperumAn, what will be the state of those who see emperumAn directly and worship him? alangal – weariness; faintness.
AralangalAnamai – becoming very weary; alternatively, alangal could also mean garland, hence people would interpret this as – devotees withering and falling down like a garland which has dried up fully.
We will take up the 79th pAsuram next.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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