SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
As emperumAnAr ponders “Why should you speak about other mundane persons? What was your state previously?”, mAmunigaL says “I too was like them, wasting my time since time immemorial, and was not feeling sorry for what I was missing. For such me, by the grace of your highness, I have now realized the sorrow of what I was missing for so long” and speaks about his own benefit.
pAsuram 51
enRuLan Isan uyirum anRE uNdu ikkAlam ellAm
inRaLavAgap pazhudhE kazhindha iruvinaiyAl
enRu izhavinRi irukkum ennenjam iravu pagal
ninRu thavikkum ethirAsA nI aruL seydha pinnE!!!
Word-by-Word Meanings:
enRuLan Isan – As per the phrase, “nAn unnai anRi ilEn kaNdAy nAraNanE ni ennai anRi ilai” (nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi 7), the relationship between the paramathmA SrIman nArAyaNan and the souls (jIvAthmA) is eternal and cannot be broken by anyone at any point of time. This would mean that the supreme controller ISwaran SrIman nArAyaNan is there forever. On the same token,
uyirum – the soul that is being controlled by the controller SrIman nArAyaNan
anRE uNdu – also is forever.
ikkAlam ellAm – For all these time,
inRaLavAga – till now,
iruvinaiyAl – because of my powerful karma (that includes both good and bad)
pazhudhE kazhindha enRu – I had spent these times as “utterly wasted”.
izhavinRi irukkum – Even worse, I have not even repented for this loss of mine.
ethirAsA – (However) emperumAnArE!!!
nI aruL seydha pinnE – After you showerd your choicest blessings on me!!!
ennenjam – my heart
ninRu – steadfastedly
thavikkum – started to repent for it
iravu pagal – day and night.
Simple Translation
In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL celebrates the blessings of emperumAnAr on him that made him to repent for the wasted time till now. Before emperumAnAr blessed mAmunigaL, the latter did not even repent for the time he lost that includes time from immemorial till now. But all that changed as emperumAnAr blessed mAmunigaL and the latter is thinking day and night only about it.
mAmunigaL says “As per the words of thirumazhisai AzhvAr, “nAn unnai anRi ilEn kaNdAy nAraNanE ni ennai anRi ilai” (nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi 7), the relationship between the paramathmA SrIman nArAyaNan and the souls (jIvAthmA) is eternal and cannot be broken by anyone at any point of time. This would mean that the supreme controller ISwaran SrIman nArAyaNan is there forever. On the same token, the one who is being controlled, that are known as “soul” or “jIvAthmA” is also forever. These mean that there was not a point in time when they were created. The supreme lord SrIman nArAyaNan and all the souls were there forever. However, till this point now when you (emperumAnAr) showered your choicest blessings on me due to your infinite compassion, I have spent all the time by reaping the effects of my powerful karma (both good and bad). Even worse than that is, I have never repented for the time that was utterly wasted. But after your blessings fell on me, I have been only thinking about my loss and repenting day and night about it. What infinite mercy and what compassion towards me!!!
adiyEn santhAnam ramanuja dasan
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