perumAL thirumozhi – 7.10 – vanja mEviya

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 7th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

dhEvaki blames herself in this pAsuram and tells kaNNan that he has got her as his mother, who is useless for any purpose and is just holding on to life.

vanjamEviya nenjudaip pEychchi varaNdu nAr narambu ezhak karindhukka
nanjamAr tharu suzhi mulai andhO! suvaiththu nI aruL seydhu vaLarndhAy
kanjan nAL kavar karumugil endhAy! kadaippattEn veRidhE mulai sumandhu
thanjamEl onRilEn uyndhirundhEn thakkadhE nalla thAyaip peRRAyE

Word-by-Word Meanings

vanjam mEviya – being deceitful
nenju udai– having heart
pEychchi – pUthanA, the demon
varaNdu ezha – (flesh and blood) to come out copiously
nAr narambu karindhu ukka – with the nerves getting burnt and withering
nanjam Ar tharu – heavily poisoned
suzhi mulai – bosom which would be under its (poison’s) control
nI suvaiththu aruL seydhu – you took in, mercifully
vaLarndhAy – you grew up
andhO – how cruel!
kanjan nAL kavar – one who stole the longevity of kamsan
karumugil endhAy – one who is like a dark cloud!
veRidhE mulai sumandhu – (I) carried the bosom without any purpose
kadaippattEn – became the lowliest among the lowly
thanjam onRu ilEn – (apart from you, I am) without any refuge
uyndhirundhEn – (to see you) I held on to my life
thakkadhu– appropriate for you
nalla thAyai – a good mother
peRRAy – have attained

Simple Translation

pUthanA, the demon, came with a deceitful heart, with heavily poisoned milk in her bosom. You took her bosom in, mercifully, in such a way that her blood and flesh came out copiously and her nerves got blackened and withered. How cruel (was this event) that you had to face these and grow up like this! Oh one who reduced the longevity of kamsan! Oh one who is like a dark cloud! I carried my bosom without any purpose and became the lowliest among lowly people [since I could not feed you when you were an infant]. I have no refuge (apart from you) and I held on to my life (just to see you). What an appropriate mother have you attained! [said in sarcasm]

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

vanjam mEviya nenjudaip pEychchi – those who see kaNNan should only be honest. Despite seeing him, pUthanA, the demon, was full of deceit.

varaNdu nAr narambu ezhak karindhu ukka – her flesh and blood to come out copiously along with her milk and the rest of the body with nerves and skin to become burnt out and withering

nanjam Ar tharu suzhi mulai andhO suvaiththu nI aruL seydhu vaLarndhAy – you grew up by drinking the milk, which was poisoned, from her bosom; the poison was such that it could destroy even the bosom which was holding it. You drank the milk as if it had been ambrosia which will sustain you. How cruel! AzhwAr is transposing pUthanA’s anger on her bosom. suzhi– anger.

kanjan nAL kavar karu mugil endhAy – you destroyed kamsan’s longevity and got the complexion of your divine form through that [darkness refers to magnanimity like a cloud]. Through that act and the beauty of your divine form, you enslaved me.

kadaippattEn veRidhE mulai sumandhu – when my bosom was tingling with pain, despite having a child, I could not nurse; my bosom got wasted and I became the lowliest among lowly people.

thanjamEl onRilEn uyndhirundhEn – since there was no refuge for me to sustain myself, I managed to hold on to my life.

thakkadhE nalla thAyaip peRRAyE – you attained a good mother, yaSOdhAp pirAtti, who could nurse you whenever you needed milk. Alternatively, as seen in the avathArikai, this could be construed as dhEvaki blaming herself for bringing this state to kaNNan when he was an infant.

Next, we will take up the last pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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