periya thirumozhi – 5.1.9 – thunni maNNum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Fifth centum >> First decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


thunni maNNum viNNAdum thOnRAdhu iruLAy mUdiya nAL
annamAgi arumaRaigaL aruLich cheydha amalanidam
minnu sOdhi navamaNiyum vEyin muththum sAmaraiyum
ponnum ponni koNarndhu alaikkum puLLambUdhangudi thAnE

Word-by-Word meanings

maNNum – bhUlOkam (Earth)
viNNAdum – svargam (heaven) etc on the sky
thOnRAdhu – to be not seen
iruLAy – being fully dark
thunni – densely
mUdiya – covered
nAL – on that day
annamAgi – accepting the form of a swan
aru – difficult to attain
maRaigaLai – vEdhams
aruLichcheydha – one who mercifully taught
amalan – pure sarvESvaran’s
idam – dhivyadhESam is
minnu – shining
sOdhi – radiant
navamaNiyum – navarathnams (nine types of gems)
vEyil – scattered from the bamboo sticks
muththum – pearls
sAmaraiyum – chAmarams (hand fans)
ponnum – gold
koNarndhu – brought
ponni – river thirukkAvEri
alaikkum – pushing
puLLambUdhangudi thAnE – it is dhivyadhESam named puLLambUdhangudi

Simple translation

On that day when bhUlOkam and svargam etc on the sky were fully covered with darkness, accepting the form of a swan, the pure sarvESvaran mercifully taught the difficult to attain vEdhams; his dhivyadhESam is puLLambUdhangudi where the river thirukkAvEri brought shiningly radiant nine types of gems, pearls which scattered from the bamboo sticks, chAmarams and gold, and pushed them.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

thunni … – Darkness covered earth and sky; the day when darkness fully covered.

annamAgi … – Considering “These people are not qualified to serve and learn under an AchArya”, he assumed the form of a bird; just as he stood as the charioteer and instructed [arjuna]. To separate the entities who had mixed with asuras and became destroyed, he assumed the form of a swan which will separate milk and water [from a mixture of both].

amalan idam – What a purity where he helps without any expectation! Instead of helping, based on someone requesting, he helped as if it is for his own benefit!

minnu … – kAvEri is also having the same nature of emperumAn who helps without any expectation. navarathnams which are shining and have no dirt on them. Unlike some gems which will shine outside but will be dirty inside, these are fully shining. The inside and outside are shining just as gyAthA (knower) and gyAnam (knowledge) are both shining on their own. ponni (kAvEri) will bring and push pearls shed by the bamboo sticks, chAmaram and gold saying “Accept them! Accept them!”

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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