SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fifth centum >> First decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
aRivadhariyAn anaiththulagum udaiyAn ennai ALudaiyAn
kuRiya mANi uruvAya kUththan manni amarumidam
naRiya malar mEl surumbArkka ezhilAr mangyai nadamAda
poRi koL siRai vaNdu isai pAdum puLLam bUdhangudi thAnE
Word-by-Word meanings
aRivadhu – To know, by self effort
ariyAn – being difficult
anaiththulagum – all the worlds
udaiyAn – having as his possession
ennai – me
ALudaiyAn – having me as his servitor
kuRiya – dwarf
mAN uruvAgiya – in the form of a brahmachAri
kUththan – sarvESvaran who is having heart-captivating actions
manni – remaining fixed
uRaiyum – living
idam – dhivyadhESam is
naRiya – fragrant
malar mEl – on the flowers
surumbu – beetles known as surumbu
Arkka – as they are humming
ezhil Ar – beautiful
mangyai – peacocks
nadamAda – as they dance
poRikoL – having stripes
siRai – having wings
vaNdu – beetles
isai pAdum – humming songs
puLLambUdhangudi (thAnE) – dhivyadhESam named puLLambUdhangudi
Simple translation
The dhivyadhESam where sarvESvaran, who is having heart-captivating actions in the form of a dwarf brahmachAri, who is difficult to be known by self effort, having all the worlds as his possession and is having me as his servitor, is remaining fixed and residing, is the dhivyadhESam named puLLambUdhangudi where beetles known as surumbu which are present on fragrant flowers, are humming, beautiful peacocks are dancing and beetles with stripes and wings are humming songs.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
aRivadhariyAn – One who is having the nature of being not known by those who try to know him through self efforts.
anaiththulagum udaiyAn – While the possibilities to know him and not know him are there, he is the lord of all worlds and can be well known by all.
ennai AL udaiyAn – Specifically one who enslaved me. SaraNAgathi gadhyam “asmath swAmin !” (Oh, one who is my lord!).
kuRiya … – Such lord who is greater than all, accepted the form of vAmana, with the form that is very much used to seeking alms, entered mahAbali’s sacrificial arena; the divine abode where such emperumAn who has heart-captivating actions, is eternally residing saying “I will not leave”. When he walked into the sacrificial arena, it appeared as if an expert dancer danced.
naRiya … – On the fragrant flowers, a specific species in beetles named surumbu, are making humming noise; peacocks with beautiful form are dancing.
poRi … – Beetles which are having stripes and wings, are humming songs, matching the dance.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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