periya thirumozhi – 4.9.7 – mAttIrAnIr

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Fourth centum >> Ninth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

emperumAn asks AzhwAr – pramANams (scriptural evidences) such as muNdaka upanishath “yassarvagyas sarvavith” (He who is omniscient and fully knowledgeable) highlight that we (emperumAn) have no defects; while such pramANams identify me as “sarvagya”, “sarvaSakthi” (omnipotent), how are you identifying shortcomings in my knowledge and ability? AzhwAr says – I observed it manifested in an entity. AzhwAr is highlighting emperumAn who is omniscient to be ignorant since he did not present himself knowing the nature of AzhwAr; since emperumAn did not help matching AzhwAr’s situation, AzhwAr is highlighting emperumAn who is omnipotent to be incapable.


mAttIrAnIr paNi nIr koLLa emmaip paNi aRiyA
vIttIr idhanai vERE sonnOm indhaLUrIrE!
kAttIrAnIr nundham adikkaL kAttil umakku indha
nAttE vandhu thoNdarAna nAngaL uyyOmE?

Word-by-Word meanings

indhaLUrIrE – Oh lord who are mercifully present in thiruvindhaLUr!
nIr – your highness
paNi koLLa – to accept (our) kainkaryam
mAttIr AnIr – not having the desire,
emmai – us
paNi – taste for kainkaryam
aRiyA – made to know
vIttIr – have abandoned;
idhanai – this
vERE – separately (in a distinguished manner)
sonnOm – informed to you;
nundham – your highness’
adikkaL – divine feet
kAttIr AnIr – did not show;
kAttil – if you showed
indha nAttE – in this world which does not accept servitude
vandhu – came agreeably
umakku – for your highness
thoNdarAna – being engaged in servitude
nAngaL – us
uyyOmE – will we not survive?

Simple translation

Oh lord who are mercifully present in thiruvindhaLUr! Your highness are not having the desire to accept our kainkaryam; you have abandoned us after giving us the taste for kainkaryam; we have informed this to your highness separately; your highness did not show your divine feet; if you showed, will we, who have come agreeably and are engaged in servitude for your highness, in this world which does not accept servitude, not survive?

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

mAttIr AnIr paNi nIr koLLa – You can neither create nor destroy servitude [in us]! But you are not accepting our service which matches such servitude in us.

emmaip paNi aRiyA vIttIr – For us who are of the nature of not surviving without you, you introduced the servitude towards your divine feet and then abandoned us.

idhanai vERE sonnOm – Unlike other aspects, we explained this to you in a distinguished manner.

sonnOm – Not just speaking about it matching our sorrow in separation, we informed in such a manner that no one will believe bhagavAn.

indhaLUrIrE – I am speaking to you, who have arrived in thiruvindhaLUr while your original abode is paramapadham, to accept our kainkaryam.

emperumAn asks “If you have gratitude for my act, why would you speak like this?” AzhwAr says “There is a reason for that”

kAttIr AnIr nundham adikkaL – You are keeping your divine feet which exist for others, for yourself. Not showing your divine feet has become your nature. If you eliminate that thought and show your divine feet,

indha nAttE vandhu thoNdarAna nAngaL uyyOmE – Are we nithyasUris in your paramapadham with whom you can think “If we abandon them, is there any other refuge for them? Hence, I will fulfil their desire, when I like to do so”? Just like water in a desert, in this samsAram everyone is eating, wearing clothes and roaming around, not thinking about you; will we, who are present in such samsAram, not be uplifted, if you show your divine feet?

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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