periya thirumozhi – 4.8.5 – arakkar Avi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


arakkar Avi mALa anRu Azhkadal sUzh ilangai seRRa
kurakkarasan enRum kOlavilli enRum mAmadhiyai
nerukku mAda nIdu nAngai ninmalan enRenRu Odhi
parakkazhindhAL en madandhai pArththanpaLLi pAduvALE

Word-by-Word meanings

en madandhai – my daughter
anRu – when rAvaNa came to fight
arakkar – demons’
Avi – lives
mALa – to be destroyed
Azh – deep
kadal – by ocean
sUzh – surrounded
ilangai – lankA
seRRa – destroyed
kurakku – for monkeys
arasan enRum – as the lord
kOlam – beautiful
villi enRum – as the one who holds the bow
mAmadhiyai – beautiful moon
nerukkum – blocking the movement
mAdam – by the mansions
nIdu – being tall
nAngai – mercifully present in thirunAngUr
ninmalan enRu – very pure natured one, as he does not have any expectation
enRu Odhi – repeatedly saying in this manner
parakku azhindhAL – having lost her femininity
pArththan paLLi pAduvALE – sings about the dhivyadhESam named pArththan paLLi

Simple translation

My daughter is repeatedly saying “Lord of monkeys who destroyed the lives of the demons when rAvaNa came to fight and destroyed lankA which is surrounded by the deep ocean”, “the one who holds the beautiful bow”, “very pure natured one as he does not have any expectation, who is mercifully present in thirunAngUr which is tall due to the mansions which are blocking the movement of the beautiful moon”; having lost her femininity, she sings about the dhivyadhESam named pArththan paLLi.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

arakkar … – Instead of destroying the evil one who separated pirAtti from him, he destroyed the whole clan.

anRu – When he came fighting, he, the one who is the lord of the monkey clan, destroyed lankA which is surrounded by the ocean which has depth. He destroyed the abode of rAvaNa who destroyed the abodes of brahmA et al, with the help of monkeys which don’t know the difference between left and right hands.

kOla villi enRum – Having the beautiful bow in his hand such that those who are prideful about their valour become defeated and respect him.

mAmadhiyai … – emperumAn who is eternally residing in thirunAngUr where the mansions are having height to stop the roaming moon. Saying that he is of the nature to help without any expectation. Instead of presenting himself being pleased with their upAsanam, he is appearing without any prayer from their side.

parakku azhindhAL – My bad!  She has become fearless about losing her shame.

When asked “How did we know about that?”

pArththan paLLi pAduvALE – She is singing the name of the town where he resides, to make me hear it. If she can do that, what else she will do? As said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 58.35 “adhrushta pUrva vyasanA mrudhuSeelA manasvinI | thEna dhu:khEna rudhathI naivamAkinchith abhravIth ||” (sIthAp pirAtti who is tender, grave and in great sorrow which was never seen by her previously, was crying due to that sorrow and could not speak to me) – she is of the nature to absorb his beautiful form with her eyes, will hang her head down and shed tears.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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