Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruppAvai

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thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLsIr malgum AyppAdi(From the) wealthy place of AyppAdi,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLselvach chirumIrgALO, the young gOpikAs who have got the best wealth (which is association with, and kainkaryam to, krishNan),
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLnEr izhaiyIrwho are wearing wonderful ornaments (keeping krishNan in mind),
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLmArgazhi thingaLwe got the best of all months the mArgazhi month, and the good full moon day for doing the nOnbu (ceremony to pray for the rains)).
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLkUr vEl(Standing with a) sharp spear,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLkodum thozhilanif any enemies come near his dear krishNan he would be a person doing cruel deeds (to those enemies) that person is
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLnandhagOpannandhagOpan, whose
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLkumarandear son is krishNan;
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLEr Arndha kaNNi yasOdhaithe one who has got beautiful eyes,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLiLam singamher young lion-cub is krishNan,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLkAr mEni, sengaN(his) body is the color of dark (kind) clouds, he has got eyes lotus-like,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLkadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththAnand his face is the bright light of the moon,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLnArAyaNanEand who is none other than srIman nArAyaNan,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLnamakkE paRai tharuvAnonlysrIman nArAyaNan can give us (us who depend only on him) the opportunity to do kainkaryam to Him.
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLAlSo
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLpadindhElOrthose who want to take a good (padindhu) bath (enjoyment with krishNan), please go with us,
thiruppAvai – 01 – mArgazhi thingaLpArOr pugazhaand the people of this world would celebrate that.
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuvAzhvIrgALO you who are born to have fulfilling life
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuvaiyaththuin this world;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththunAmumwe, who live thinking that we achieve our destiny because of Him;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuuyyum ARu eNNiwe realize the means for achieving the destiny;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuugandhuso with happiness
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththukELIrOlisten (to us about)
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuseyyum kirisaigaLthe tasks that we do
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththunam pAvaikkufor our nOnbu;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuadi pAdiwe sing praises of the lotus feet of
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththupaiya thuyinRa paramanthe almighty who is lying down with scheming thoughts
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththupARkadaluLin the milky ocean;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuaiyamumwe give things to appropriate persons, and
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththupichchaiyumgive biksha (alms) which are given to brahmachAris and sanyAsis
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuAndhanaiyumtill the level they are able to receive,
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththukai kAttiwe give that much;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththunei uNNOmwe would not eat ghee;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththupAl uNNOmwould not consume milk;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththunIrAdiwill bathe
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththunAt kAlEearly in the morning;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththumai i ttu ezhudhOmwe wont decorate our eyes;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththumalar ittu nAm mudiyOmwont decorate our hair with flowers;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuseyyAdhana seyyOmwould not do what our pUrvAchAryas did not do;
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththusenRu OdhOmwould not go and tell emperumAn
thiruppAvai – 02 – vaiyaththuthIkkuraLaiany gossip that creates problems for others.
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhanAngaL pAdi(if) we sing, (we who cannot live without singing His names)
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhapErthe names
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhauththamanof purushOthaman
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhaOngithe one who grew tall
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhaaLandhaand measured (with His lotus feet)
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhaulaguall the three worlds,
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhanIradinAlif we bathed
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhanam pAvaikku chARRiwith the front/pretense of a nOnbu
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhanAdu ellAmthe whole country
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhathIngu inRiwithout any bad
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhamummAri peidhuwould properly rain
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhathingaLevery month, and
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhakayal ugaLafish would jump around
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandha(so) Ongu perum sennel Udubetween the tall and healthy grass,
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhapoRi vaNduand beautiful bees
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhakaN paduppawould sleep
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhapUm-kuvaLai pOdhilin beautiful flowers,
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhathEngadhEwithout hesitation
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhapukku irundhuget to and try to
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhavAngapull
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhasIrtha mulai paRRiby holding with both the hands the big nipples of
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhaperum pasukkaLhealthily grown cows
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhakudam niRaikkumthey would fill the containers
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhavaLLalwith generosity
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhanIngAdha selvam(such is the ) wealth that can be sustained
thiruppAvai – 03 – Ongi ulagaLandhaniRaindhuand stay complete.
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaimazhaik kaNNAO varuNa dhEvA the head of rain gods
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiAzhiwho is majestic like the ocean
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaikai karavElwithout holding back
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaionRu(m)anything,
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhainIyou
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiAzhiyuL pukkuenter the ocean
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaimugandhu kodudrink entire water,
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiEririse in the sky
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiArthuwith thunders,
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaimei karuthubecome dark
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiuruvam pOllike the d ivine body of
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiUzhi mudhalvanemperumAn who is the root cause of time and everything,
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaiAzhi pOl minnido lightning like the discus (in the right hand),
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaininRu adhirndhustay and be thunderous
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaivalam-puri pOllike the conch (in the left hand),
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaipAzhi-am-thOL-udaiof the one with great and beautiful shoulders,
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaipaRpanAbhan kaiyilof the one with beautiful navel;
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaithAzhadhEwithout any delay
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaisArngam udhaitha sara mazhai pOllike how the arrows poured from the bow (of srI rAma)
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaipeidhidAipour the rain
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaivAzhafor all to live
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhainAngaLumso that we too (we who are doing nOnbu)
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaimArgazhi nIrAdapleasantly bathe as part of mArgazhi
thiruppAvai – 04 – Azhi mazhaimagizhndhuwith happiness
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaimAyanaione who performs wonderful deeds
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaimannu vada-madhurai maindhanaiking of vadamadhurai that is having ever present bhagavath sambandham
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaithUya peru nIrone having divine and ever deep water
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaiyamunai thuraivanaiwho plays in the bank of river yamunA
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaiAyar kulaththinil thOnRumwho was born in the cowherd group
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaiaNi viLakkaiwho is like a divine dheepam (lamp),
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaithAyaik kudal viLakkam seidhawho made his mother yasodhA’s womb meaningful
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaidhAmOdharanaiemperumAn who let himself be tied by a small rope,
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanainAmwe who are open to Him approaching us
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaithUyOmAi vandhu[to such emperumAn] (we) came with purity
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaithU malar thUvisubmit good flowers,
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaithozhudhuand prostrate,
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaivAyinAl pAdising his names to our mouth’s content,
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaimanaththinAl sindhikkameditate in our mind;
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaipOya pizhaiyumand the pApams that we committed (before getting bhagavath sambandham)
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaipugu-tharuvAn ninRanavum(after such sambandham, the) pApams that we commit without realizing
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaithIyinil thUsAgumwill all burn away like the cotton placed in fire
thiruppAvai – 05 – mAyanaiseppuso, sing His names.
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANpuLLum silambina-kANbirds are calling while going (after waking up), and
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANkEttilaiyOare you not hearing
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANpEr-aravamthe big sound
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANveLLai viLi-sanginof white conch which is doing thirupaLLi-ezhuchchi (waking up emperumAn)
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANpuLLaraiyan koyililin the temple of perumAn who is garudans leader, [garudan who is the head of birds]
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANpiLLAiyou young gOpikA who is new to bhagavath vishayam,
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANezhundhirAiget rid of sleep and get up;
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANmunivargaLumadiyArs who meditate him
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANyOgigaLumand adiyArs who do yogAbhyAsam
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANmeLLa ezhundhu(they) get up slowly without disturbing the emperumAn in their hearts
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANuLLaththu koNduthey have placed in their hearts through thoughts about
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANpEi mulai nanju-uNduperumAn who drank phUthanais poisonous milk from her nipples, (and killed her),
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANkaLLach chakatam(who made the) the cunning cart
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANkalakku azhiyago out of shape and get destroyed
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANkAl Ochchiby kicking with thiruvadi (and finish it),
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANthuyil amarndha(who is) gracefully lying down
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANveLLaththuin the liquid of milky ocean
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANaravilon thiruvananthAzhvAn (Adhi SEshan)
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANviththinaione who is root of the world
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANari enRa pEr aravam(munis and yOgis are thinking about such emperumAn and) making big sound, chanting hari;
thiruppAvai – 06 – puLLum silambina kANuLLam pugundhu kuLirndhu(please get up so that) we get that sound into our minds and become happy.
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchupEi peNNE!you, the one without proper mind (even though you know the taste of bhagavath vishayam)
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuAnai-ch-chAththanbharathvAja birds named valiyan (king crows)
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukIchu kIchu enRu(birds) making kIch sounds
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuengumin all the directions
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukalandhu pEsinaand are talking among themselves
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukEttilaiyOdid you not hear that
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchupEchchu aravamsound of their talking?
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuAychchiar(also) gOpikAs
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuvAsam narum kuzhal(with) hair in their head with very good fragrance, (and with their)
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukAsumgarland made with the shapes of kAsu (round coins-like) (அச்சுத்தாலி)
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchupiRappumand long garland made with the shapes of flower buds (முளைத்தாலி)
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukalakalappathese are making sound touching each other
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukai pErthu(as the gOpikAs) move their hands,
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuOsai paduthaand also noise is made
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchumaththinAlwhen using the churn stick,
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuthayir aravamand the sound of curd
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchukEttilaiyOdid you not hear (them)?
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchunAyaga peN piLLAiYou who is the head of us gOpikAs!
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchupAdavumas we sing
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchunArAyaNan mUrthy kEsavanaiabout kaNNan who is the avathAram of nArAyAnan
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchunI kEttE kidaththiyOare you still lying down?
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuthEsam udaiyAyOh the one with great thEjas,
thiruppAvai – 07 – kIchu kIchuthiRaopen your door.
thirupp Avai – 08 – kIzh vAnamkOdhukalam udaiya pAvaiO the girl who is of interest (to krishNan)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamkIzh vAnamthe sky on the east side
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamveLLenRuhas dawned (became white),
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamerumaibuffaloes
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamsiRuvIdureleased out for some time (in the early morning)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamparandhana kANspread out (in the fields)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnammEivAnto grace (the grass with early morning dews),
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnammikkuLLa piLLaigaLum(regarding) all other girls
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnampOgAmal kAththu(we) stopped them from going
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnampOvAn pOginRArai(who were) going, with going itself as the goal,
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamvandhu ninROmand came and stood steadily (by your door step)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamunnaik kUvuvAnto call you;
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamezhundhirAiplease get up
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnampAdi(and) sing (kaNNans guNAs)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnampaRai koNduand get paRai (instrument/mOksham) (from Him)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnammA vAi piLandhAnaiwho killed horse shaped kEsi
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnammallarai mAttiyaand who destroyed the wrestlers (chANUra-mushtika)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamdhEvAdhi dhEvanaiand who is the head of nithya-sUris
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamnAm chenRu sEviththAlif we went (to Him) and give our respects to Him
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamArAyndhu(He would) inquire (our needs)
thiruppAvai – 08 – kIzh vAnamA A enRu aruLand He will say O!, and he would help us.
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuthU maNi mAdaththuIn the house with naturally good ornamental stones embedded in them
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuviLakku eriyawith sacred lamps glowing
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuchuRRumin all the places,
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththudhUpam kamazhaand with scented smoke spreading around,
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththumAmAn magaLEO daughter of (my) uncle
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththukaN vaLarumwho is sleeping
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuthuyil aNai mElon the bed (that makes one who lies down on it to sleep),
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuthiRavAiplease do open
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththumaNik kadhavam thALthe bolt of the door that is made of ornamental stones;
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththumAmIrO aunt!
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuavaLai ezhuppIrOplease wake her up;
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuun magaL thAnis your daughter
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuUmaiyOdumb so cannot speak?
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuanRior,
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththusevidOdeaf so cannot hear?
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuananthalO(or) just sleeping (due to tiredness)?
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuEmap pattALO(or) is she being restricted/prevented (to come out)
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuperum thuyil mandhirap pattALO(or) under control of a spell that makes her sleep for a long time?
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththu mAmAyanHe who possesses unfathomable abilities
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththumAdhavannAthan (husband) of lakshmI
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththuvaikunthan enRu enRusrI vaikunta nAthan, and similar and more
thiruppAvai – 09 – thUmaNi mAdaththunAmam palavum navinRuwe chanted several of such divine names; (still your daughter is not waking up!?)
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamnORRu(you) did nOnbu
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamsuvarggam puguginRa(and now) enjoying the heaven without any break,
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamammanAidear!
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamvAsal thiRavAdhAryou are not opening the door
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggammARRamum thArArOwould you not answer us at least?
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamnARRaththuzhAi mudiOne who is wearing fragrant thiruththuzhAy
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamnArAyaNanone having the unparalleled name of nArAyaNan
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamnammAl pORRap paRai tharumone who is sung pallANdu by us; one who gives us our goal that is doing kainkaryam
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggampuNNiyanAlby (such) emperumAn who is dharmam,
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamkumbakaraNanumthat kumbakaraNan
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggampaNdu oru nALonce upon a time
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamkURRaththin vAi vIzhndhafell on yamas way
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamunakkE thORRu(did he) lose to you
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamthandhAnO(and) went away giving you
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamperum thuyil thAn(his) big sleepiness?
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamARRa ananthal udaiyAyyou who is having a nice sleep!
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamarum kalamEyou who is like a rare jewel
thiruppAvai – 10 – nORRu suvarggamthERRamAi vandhu thiRaget yourself together, and open (the door)
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaigaNangaL pala kaRandhudraws milk from several groups
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaikanRu (kaRRu) kaRavaiof young cows, and
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaichenRugoes to the enemies places
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaicheruch cheyyumand fights with them
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaicheRRAr thiral azhiyasuch that the strength of enemies get destroyed
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaikuRRam onRillAdha(but) not having faults like hitting an enemy who is showing his back while running away, etc.,
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaikOvalar thamO (sister) of (such) gOpAlars
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaipoRkodiyEwho looks like a slim (and beautiful) vine made of gold
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaipuRRu aravu alguland having the back curved like the shape of head of a snake living in its hole
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaipuna mayilEand like the peacock living in its place
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaipOdharAiplease get up and come here;
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaichuRRaththuth thOzhimAr ellArumall of your friends who are relatives
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaivandhuhave come (together)
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavainin muRRam pugundhuinto your thirumAligais verandah
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaimugil vaNNan pEr pAdato sing the names of kaNNan who is of the color of dark blue clouds
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaiselvappeNdAtti nIyou who is all the treasure (for us)
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaichiRRAdhE pEsAdhEnot moving, and not talking
thiruppAvai – 11 – kaRRuk kaRavaiuRangum poruL eRRukkuwhat could be there to sleep?
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaiiLam kaRRu erumaibuffaloes having young ones
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaikanaiththuare making desperate calls (because no one is there to draw out the milk)
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaikanRukku irangiand being kind to (its) little ones
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaininaiththuthey think of the little ones,
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaimulai vazhiyE ninRu pAl sOra(and because of such deep thinking , they automatically) pour out milk continuously from their nipples
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaiillam nanaiththumaking the whole house wet (with milk)
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaisERu Akkumand (due to mixing up) become slushy;
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumainaRchelvan(gOpan of such a buffalo; that gOpan is having ) the best wealth that is krishNa-kainkaryam
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaithangAi(and you are) his sister!
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumainin vAsal kadai paRRi(we are) holding the entrance beam of your (house)
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaithalai pani vIzhaand the mist/snow is falling on our head;
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaipAdavumeven though (we) sang about
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaimanaththukku iniyAnaisrI rAma pirAn who is sweet to our hearts
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaisinaththinAl cheRRawho killed (rAvaNan) due to anger (that he separated pirAtti)
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaithen ilangaik kOmAnai(that is) rAvaNan the wealthy king of lankai,
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumainI vAi thiRavAiyou are not opening your mouth and talking;
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaiiniththAnat least now
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaiezhundhirAiplease get up;
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaiIdhu enna pEr uRakkamwhat is this great sleep?
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaianaiththu illaththArumall the people (of AyppAdi)
thiruppAvai – 12 – kanaiththiLam kaRRerumaiaRindhuhave known (about your big sleep).
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipuLLin vAi kIndAnai(empirAn who) tore and threw away the mouth of bakAsuran who came in the form of a bird,
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipollA arakkanaik kiLLik kaLaindhAnaiwho very easily/casually destroyed rAvaNan who was bad deeds personified,
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaikIrthimai pAdip pOi(we) go while singing of (such empirAn’s) brave deeds;
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipiLLaigaL ellArumall the gOpikAs
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipukkArentered
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipAvaikkaLam(to) the place marked by krishNan and us for nOnbu;
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaiveLLi ezhundhusukran has risen, and
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaivyAzham uRangiRRuguru has set
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipuLLum silambina kAN(and) birds are spreading out (to look for prey);
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnainIyou,
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipOdhu arik kaNNinAiwith the eyes like flower and deer,
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipAvAi(and) naturally having women’s greatness,
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnainal nAL(we are going to be together with krishNan) in this good day,
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaikaLLam thavirndhu(so) avoid the ill will (of being alone with krishNan)
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaikalandhu(and) join (us);
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaikuLLa kuLira kudaindhu nIrAdAdhE(you,) without taking bath well in the cold water (enjoying krishNan)
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaipaLLik kidaththiyOsleeping in the bed (instead)?
thiruppAvai – 13 – puLLin vAi kINdAnaiAlsurprised (that we got such a good day)!
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaiengaLai munnam ezhuppuvAnwould wake us (who are your friends) up first
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaivAi pEsummentioned so with your mouth (in passing)
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadainangAiwho is full of good qualities
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadainANAdhAinot feeling guilty (that you did not wake us up as promised)
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadainA udaiyAihaving a tongue (that says sweet words)
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaiungaL puzhaik kadai thOttaththu vAviyuLin the pond that is in the back of your house
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaisengazhunIr vAi negizhndhulotus flowers have blossomed
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaiAmbal vAi kUmbina kANAmbal flowers have closed down; see!
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaisengal podik kURai(also) one with clothes brick in color
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaiveN paland having white teeth
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaithavaththavarhaving the get up of sanyAsis who do thapas
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaipOginRArare going,
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaisangu iduvAnto sound the konch
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaithangaL thirukkOyilin their temples;
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaipangayak kaNNAnaisarvEsvaran having lotus eyes
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaisangodu chakkaramand conch and the wheel (sudharsanar)
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaiEndhum(which he) easily holds in both the hands
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaithadak kaiyan(he) having big hands,
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaiezhundhirAiplease get up
thiruppAvai – 14 – ungaL puzhaikkadaipAdato sing (about him, as a conduit of our love)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEiLam kiLiyEO gOpikA, who looks like a young parrot (in speech and looks)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEellEwow! (how sweet is your speech!)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEinnameven after everyone has come and stood here
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEuRangudhiyOyou are still sleeping? (and so they try to wake her up)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEnangaimIr(gOpikA from inside says) dear girls!
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEsil enRu azhaiyEnminplease talk without fighting (with me);
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEpOdharginrEnI will start (now itself);
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEvallai(from outside:) you are smart (in talks)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEpaNdE aRidhumwe know for quite long
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEun katturaigaLabout your strong words
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEun vAiand about your taking in length (but no action);
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEnIngaLE valleergaL(from inside:) it is you who can talk strongly/rudely (as you are arguing with me)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iL am kiLiyEnAnE thAn Ayiduga(then truly accepts the fault as hers) ok, I shall be the one who is talking strongly/rudely
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyE(what do you want me to do?);.
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEnee(from outside:) you
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEollai pOdhAiget up quickly.
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEunakku enna vERu udaiyaiwhat separate goals/plans are you having?
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEellArum pOndhArO(from inside:) has everyone come (who are supposed to come)?
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEpOndhAr(from outside:) they have come,
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEpOndhu eNNikkoLyou come out and count them
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyE(from inside:) what do I need to do after coming out?.
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEpAda(from outside:) to sing about
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEkonRAnaithe one who destroyed
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEvallAnaithe strong elephant (kuvalayApIdam)
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEmARRArai mARRu azhikka vallAnaiand who can destroy the strength of enemies
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyEmAyanaithat is, kaNNan, who does wonderful actions.
thiruppAvai – 15 – ellE iLam kiLiyE(so please get up)..
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRakAppAnEYou the protector of
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRakOyilthirumALigai
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRanAyaganAi ninRa nandhagOpanudaiyaof nandhagOpar who is (our) swAmi
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRathiRavAiopen
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRathALthe bolt
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRakadhavam(of the) door
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRamaNihaving gem stones embedded,
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRaAyar siRumiyarOmukkufor us small gOpikAs;
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRamAyankaNNapirAn with admirable deeds
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRamaNivaNNanwhose color is like that of blue diamond
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRaaRai paRai nennalE vAi nErndhAnpromised yesterday itself that He would give paRai instrument that makes sound;
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRathUyOmAi vandhOmwe came with the pure mind
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRathuyil ezhap pAduvAnto sing so that He would wake up from His sleep;
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRaammAswAmi!
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRavAyAl munnam munnam mARRAdhEdo not refuse with your first words
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRanIonly you
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRanIkku(should) open the
thiruppAvai – 16 – nAyaganAi ninRanEya nilaik kadhavamdoor which has got the disposition of having love for kaNNan.
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEemperumAn nandhagOpAlAO nandhagOpa who is our swAmi!
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEaRamwho donates
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEambaramEclothes
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEthaNNirEwater
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEsOREand food (all the time, all of it),
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEezhundhirAiplease wake up;
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEasodhAidear yasOdhai pirAtti!< /td>
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEkozhundhEfine one among us
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEkombu anArkkellAmwomen who are like vanji tree that is full of flowers
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEkula viLakkEwho is a bright lamp for the cowherds
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEaRivuRAiplease wake up!
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEumbar kOmAnEO dhEva dhEva!
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEambaram Udu aRuththuwho pierced the AkAsam (space)
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEOngiraised
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEulagu aLandhaand kindly spanned/measured all the worlds,
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEuRangAdhuwithout sleeping,
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEezhundhirAiplease get up;
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEselvAO srImAn!
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEbaladhEvAO baladhEvA!
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEsem pon kazhal adi(who is) having reddish gold thiruvadi (of wealth),
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEumbiyum nIyumyour brother kaNNan and you
thiruppAvai – 17 – ambaramE thaNNIrEuRangElplease do not sleep.
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanmadham undhu kaLiRRanstrong like an elephant that is driven by fury producing water in eyes,
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanOdAdha thOL valiyanwith strong shoulders so he does not run away from the battle field,
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRannandhagOpAlan marumagaLEO daughter-in-law of such nandhagOpar!
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRannappinnAiwho possesses the name of nappinnai!
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRangandham kamazhum kuzhaleeO who has got her hair/tresses emitting fragrance all around!
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRankadai thiRavAiplease open the door;
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanvandhengum kOzhi azhaiththana kANspreading in all four directions, the cocks are yelping please see.
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRankuyil inangaL(also) groups of cuckoos
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanmAdhavi pandhal mEl(sleeping) on the pandhal (structure for giving shade) having plants of kurukkaththi
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRankUvina pal kAl kANcalling many times, please see.
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanpandhu Ar viraliO you having fingers holding the (flower) ball (which gets kaNNan to lose to you),
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanun maiththunan pEr pAda(for us) to sing the names of your nAthan (husband) krishNan,
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanvandhucome walking
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRansIr Ar vaLai olippawith your sweet bangles making jingling sounds
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRansem thAmaraik kaiyAland with your hands that are reddish like a lotus
thiruppAvai – 18 – undhu madhakaLiRRanmagizhndhu thiRavAiopen the door happily.
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyakuththu viLakku(with bright) lamp
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyaeriyalit up
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyapancha sayanaththin mEl ERiclimbing on to the mattress made of cotton
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyakOdu kAl kattil mElon the bed with legs made of elephant tusks,
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyameththenRaand very soft,
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyavaiththuk kidandha malar mArbhAO (krishNA) you have placed your broad chest
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyakongai mElon the divine chest
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyanappinnaiof nappinnai
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyakoththu alar pU kuzhalwho is having hair that holds bunches of flowers,
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyavAi thiRavAiopen the mouth and talk;
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyamai thadam kaNNinAiOh (nappinnai) who is having broad eyes decorated with mai (kAjal)
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyanIyou are
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyaottAi kANnot agreeing
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyathuyil ezhato wake up
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyaun maNALanaiyour husband kaNNan
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyaeththanai pOdhumeven for a second;
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyapirivu ARRagillAyAlyou are not able to tolerate separation from Him
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyaeththanaiyElumeven for a short time;
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyathaththuvam anRu(this) is not according to your svarUpam (your true nature)
thiruppAvai – 19 – kuththu viLakkeriyathagavu anRuand it is not matching your true behavior.
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarkaliyEO the strong kaNNa!
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarmun chenRuwho goes voluntarily/early (before any problem comes)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarmuppaththu mUvar amararkkufor all the dhEvas (muppaththu mukkOti dhEvas 33 crore)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthavirkkumand remove
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarkappam(their) fear,
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthuyil ezhAiplease wake up;
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarvimalAOh the pure one!
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarseppam udaiyAy(who is) honest (in protecting the devotees)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthiRal udaiyAy(and) strong (to destroy the enemies of devotees)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarkodukkum(and who) can give
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarveppamhardship
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarseRRArkkuto the enemies,
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthuyil ezhAiget up from your bed;
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarnappinnai nangAiO nappinnai pirAtti!
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthiruvEwho can equal periya pirAtti!
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarmen mulai(who has got) soft breasts
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarseppu annalike a golden pot,
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarsevvAi(and) reddish mouth/lips
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarsiru marungul(and) tiny waist,
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthuyil ezhAiget up from the bed;
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthandhugive (us)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarukkamumfan (Ala vattam, required as part of nOnbu)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarthattu oLiyumand mirror
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarun maNALanaiand (give) Him too who is your nAthan,
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarnIrAttu(and) bathe (i.e., krishNA anubhavam)
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvaremmaius
thiruppAvai – 20 – muppaththu mUvarippOdhEright away
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLvaLLalgenerous
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLperum pasukkaLbig cows
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLpAl soriyumcan produce out milk
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLERRa kalangaL(such that) all the containers placed to get the milk (that is produced out automatically)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLedhir pongiget filled out
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLmIdhu aLippaand pour outside
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLmARRAdhEwithout any break;
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLARRap padaiththAn maganEson of such a person having such cows
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLaRivuRAiplease wake up (thiruppaLLi uNara vEnum / தி்ருப்பள்ளியுணரவேணும்)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLURRam udaiyAyvEdhas which are the top most reference/pramAnam talks about your having the determination / enthusiasm
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLperiyAy(you) having the greatness (which the vEdhAs are not able to completely determine)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLthORRam Ay ninRadid avathAram (for everyone to see)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLulaginilin this world
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLsudarEand are very bright in appearance
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLthuyil ezhAiplease wake up from sleep;
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLmARRAryour enemies
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLunakku vali tholaindhulose (their) strength because of you
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLARRAdhu vandhucame without any other place/person to go to
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLun vAsal kaNto the entrance of your thirumALigai (house)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLun adi paNiyum A pOlEand be praying unto your divine feet, (in the same way),
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLyAmwe
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLvandhOmhave come and reached (your thirumALigai entrance)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLpugazhndhupraising (you)
thiruppAvai – 21 – ERRa kalangaLpORRiand doing mangaLAsAsanam (to you)
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuam kaN mA gyAlaththu arasarkings (who rule(d) the) beautiful, spacious, and big world
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuabhimAna bhangamAi vandhucome after losing their ahankAram
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththusangam iruppArand assembled in groups
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththunin paLLik kattil kIzhEbelow your throne;
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththupOllikewise
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuvandhu(we) came (to your place)
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuthalaippeidhOmand approached (you);
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuthAmaRai pU pOlElike a lotus
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththukingiNi vAich cheidhathat is blossomed a little bit, like the opening of kingiNi (metal ball with openings like a half-open flower, with a metal ball inside it to make noise when shaken),
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththusem kaN(would you open your) reddish eyes
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththusiRuchchiRidhElittle by little
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuem mEl vizhyAvOand bless us (your devotees)?
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuthingaLum Adhiththiyanum ezhundhAr pOllike how the moon and the sun rise
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuengaL mEl nOkkudhiyElif you would bless us
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuam kaN iraNdum koNduwith the two beautiful eyes,
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuengaL mEl sAbhamour sadness
thiruppAvai – 22 – angaNmA gyAlaththuizhindhuwould get destroyed.
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilmAriDuring the rainy season
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilmalai muzhainjilin a mountain cave
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilsIriya singammajestic/angry lion
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilmannk kidandhuwhich is deeply set (together with the lioness) and,
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjiluRangumsleeping,
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilaRivuRRu(would) get up after waking up (after that season),
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilthI vizhiththuopen the flaming fiery eyes
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilpErndhuand move
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjileppAdumon all sides
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjiludhaRiand shake (its body)
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilvEri mayir(such that its) fragrant mane (hair)
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilponga(would) rise around,
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilmUri nimirndhu(then it would) stand erect and straighten up its body, and
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilmuzhangiroar, and
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilpuRappattuexit (the den)
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilpOdharum A pOlEand come out;
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilpUvaip pU vaNNA(likewise,) Oh you who is of the color like kAyAmpU (flower)
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilnIyou
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilun koyil ninRu(exit) from your temple (bed room)
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilinganE pOndharuLiand come to this place
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilirundhuand be seated
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilsIriya singAsanaththuon the majestic throne
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilkOppu udaiyathat is having nice shape and set up,
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilArAyndhu aruL(and then) inquire about and fulfill
thiruppAvai – 23 – mAri malai muzhainjilyAm vandha kAriyamthe requirements for which we have come.
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamanRulong ago that time (when indhiran and others suffered due to mahAbali)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamaLandhAi ivvulagamOh you who measured these worlds! (with two steps)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamadi(those) divine feet (of yours)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampORRishall live for many years and more years (pallANdu pallANdu);
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamanguin the place where rAvaNan lived
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamsenRu(you) went (எழுந்தருளி)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamcheRRAi then ilangaiOh you who destroyed the lanka of the south! (which is his country)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamthiRal(your) strength
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampORRishall live for many years;
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamchakatamchakatAsuran
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamudhaiththAi chakatam ponRaOh you, who kicked that chakatam (chakatAsuran) and destroyed!
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampugazh(your) valor
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampORRishall live for a long time;
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamkanRuvathsAsuran who stood as a calf
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamkuNilAwas used as a throwing staff (pole),
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagameRindhAiOh you who threw (at the asura who took the form of a fruit (viLAnkani / விளாங்கனி) (எறிந்தருளியவனே!)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamkazhalyour thiruvadi (lotus feet which stood ground)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampORRishall live for a long time;
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagameduththAiOh you who lifted
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamkunRugOvardhana mountain
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamkudaiyAas an umbrella / shelter!
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamguNamyour characteristics (like sauseelyam, etc.,)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampORRishould stay for years together;
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamnin kaiyil vElthe spear in your hands
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamvenRuthat won (the enemies)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampagai kedukkumand destroyed them (the opposition)
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampORRishould live for a long time;
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamenRu enRuSo doing such mangaLAsAsanam several times,
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamEththito praise / sthOthram
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamun sEvagamEabout only your strength/valor,
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamyAmwe
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamvandhOmcame and reached
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamingu/inRuthis place / today
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagampaRai koLvAnto get paRai (instrument (mOksham))
thiruppAvai – 24 – anRu ivvulagamiranguplease show compassion (to help us).
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAioruththifor the one woman who is dhEvaki pirAtti,
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAipiRandhu(you were) born
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAimagan Aias a son;
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAiOr iravilon the same unmatched night itself
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAimagan Ai(you) become a son
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAioruththifor the one mother who is yasOdhai pirAtti
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAioLiththu vaLara(and as you were) growing in hiding,
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAithAn(kamsan) himself
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAidharikkilAn Agicould not tolerate (even your growing in hiding)
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAithIngu ninaindha(his) thoughts of bad deed (of killing)
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAipizhaippiththu(you) wasted/nullified
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAikanjankamsans
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAikaruththaithoughts
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAineruppu enna ninRa(and you) bothered (him) like a fire
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAivayiRRil(in his) stomach;
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAinedumAlEOh you who loves his devotees
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAiaruththiththu vandhOmcame begging
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAiunnaifrom you (for our needs);
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAipaRai tharudhi Agilif you would satisfy our wishes
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAiyAm pAdiwe would be able to sing
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAithiruththakka selvamum(about) your wealth (which pirAtti also would love)
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAisEvagamumand about your valor
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAivaruththamum thIrndhu(and our) sorrows (of separation from you) would end
thiruppAvai – 25 – oruththi maganAimagizhndhu(and we) would become joyous.
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAmAlEOh you who is loving (of your devotees)!
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAmaNi vaNNAhaving color like a blue diamond!
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAAlin ilaiyAy(during praLayam) slept in a new banyan leaf!
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAkEttiyElif you inquire about the
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAvENduvananeeded items
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAseivanagaLfor actions done
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAmElaiyArby preceptors / earlier generations
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAmArgazhi nIrAduvAnfor bathing/nOnbu of mArgazhi
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNA(we list those items).
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAsangangaLconches
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNApAl anna vaNNaththu un pAncha channiyamE pOlvanalike your pAncha janyam (conch) that is white in color like milk
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAmuralvanawhich can sound (such that)
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAgyAlaththai ellAmwhole of the world
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAnadunga(would) vibrate/be scared;
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNApaRaipaRai instrument (drum)
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNApOi pAdu udaiyanawith enough space
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAsAla peru(and) very big;
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNApallANdu isaippArpeople who sing thiruppallANdu;
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAkOlam viLakku(lamps) auspicious mangaLa dhIpam,
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAkodidhvajams (flags),
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAvidhAnamclothes (covering us) above;
thiruppAvai – 26 – mAlE maNivaNNAaruLkindly give them.
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumvellum sIrhaving the guNam of winning
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumkUdAraithose who are opposed,
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumgOvindhAOh gOvindha!
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumpAdi(we would) sing (till we are content)
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumun thannaiabout you,
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumpaRai koNduand receive paRai (instrument)
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumyAm peru sammAnamand the price we are going to get is
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumnAdu pugazhum parisinAlthat the villagers would appreciate/celebrate us,
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumyAm nanRAga aNivOmwe would wear (the ornaments) very well (as we ar e decorated with them by you and nappinnai pirAtti), (ornaments such as)
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumchUdagamornament for the arms
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumthOL vaLaiornament for the shoulders
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumthOduornament for the ears
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumsevip pUornament for the upper part of ears
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumpAdagam(pAdha kadagam) ornament for the legs
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumenRu anaiya pal kalanumand more such ornaments;
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumadhan pinnEafter that,
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumpAl sORurice (in the) food made with milk
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellummUda(which) would not be visible (due to)
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumnei peidhu(lots of) ghee added,
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellummuzhangai vazhi vArasuch that it would drip through the elbows,
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumkUdi irundhu(we would) be together (and eat that)
thiruppAvai – 27 – kUdArai vellumkuLirndhuand be happy.
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRukuRai onRum illAdha gOvindhAOh gOvindha! who does not have any shortcomings!
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuyAmwe
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRukaRavaigaL pin chenRugo behind the cows,
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRukAnam sErndhureach the forest/fields,
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuuNbOm(we walk around while) eating;
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuaRivu onRum illAdha(we are) not having any gyAnam
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuAykkulaththu(belonging to) the cowherd clan
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuun thannaip piRavi peRum thanaip puNNiyam udaiyOmwe are blessed (have good karmA) to have you born;
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuiRaivAOh the almighty!
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuunthannOdu uRavu(our) relationship with you
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuingu namakku ozhikka ozhiyAdhucannot be removed here by you or by us;
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuaRiyAdha piLLaigaLOmwe, the innocent little girls (who dont know the norms of the world),
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuunRannaich chiRu pEr azhaiththanavumcalled you with an insignificant name
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRuanbinAldue to affection;
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRunIyou (who loves your adiyArs),
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRusIRi aruLAdhEwithout blessing us your anger,
thiruppAvai – 28 – kaRavaigaL pin chenRupaRai thArAigive (us what we) required.
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEgOvindhA!Oh kaNNA!
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEvandhu(we) came (here),
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEchiRRam chiRukAlEvery early in the morning
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEunnai sEviththuand prayed you
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEkELAiplease listen to
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEun pon thAmarai adi pORRum poruLthe meaning/benefit of doing mangaLAsAsanam to your golden lotus feet;
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEpeRRam mEiththu uNNum kulaththil piRandha nIyou who has born as cowherds, who herd the cows and then eat
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEengaLai koLLAmal pOghAdhucannot be without accepting us in your mind (thiruvuLLam)
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEkuRREval(our) very personal kainkaryam (antharanga kainkaryam confidential service);
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEiRRaip paRai koLvAN anRu kANwe did not come here for getting (this) paRai (drum instrument) given today
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEeRRaikkumfor ever,
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEEzh Ezh piRavikkumhow many ever births we go through,
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEuRROmE AvOm(we) shall be related
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEunthannOduto you,
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEnAmwe
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEAL seivOmshall be subservient
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEunakkEto you only
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEmARRukindly prevent
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEnamour
thiruppAvai – 29 – chiRRam chiRukAlEmaRRai kAmangaLinterest in other matters.
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhathingaL thiru mughaththu chE izhaiyArgOpikAs having beautiful face like the moon, and wearing rich glittering ornaments
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhachenRureached
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaiRainjiprayed/prostrated
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhamAdhavanaisriya:pathi (thAyArs husband)
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhakEsavanaikaNNan
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhakadaindhawho churned (for dhEvas)
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhavangam kadalthe thiruppArkadal with ships in them (milky ocean),
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaanguin thiruvAippAdi
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaap paRai koNda ARRaiand about the way in which they got the (their) well known goal (purushArththam), (as explained by)
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhapai kamalam thaN theriyal pattarpirAn(the daughter of) periyAzhwar with freshly blossomed lotus flowers,
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhakOdhai(who is) ANdAL
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaaNi pudhuvai(who) rose in the lovely place of srIvillipuththUr
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhasonna(aruLich cheidha) and gifted
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhasangam thamizh mAlai muppadhumthese thirty pAsurams, which are to be immersed in by groups of groups
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhathappAmEwithout fail;
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhauraippArthose who recite
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhainguin this world
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaipparisuin this way,
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhathiru aruL peRRuwould get the blessings of
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaIr iraNdu mAl varai thOLone having four big mountain-like shoulders
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaselvamone having all the wealth
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhathirumAlAl(that is) emperumAn who is srImAn
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhaengumand everywhere (in all the worlds)
thiruppAvai – 30 – vangak kadal kadaindhainbuRuvar(they would) be joyous.

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