periya thirumozhi – 3.8.2 – mudhalaith thanimA

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Eighth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr says “Oh heart! The one who eliminated the danger for SrI gajEndhrAzhwAn is mercifully standing in thirumaNimAdak kOyil. You go and worship him there to eliminate all of your sorrows”.


mudhalaith thanimA muraN thIra anRu
mudhunIr thadaththuch chengaN vEzham uyya
vidhalaith thalaich chenRadhaRkE udhavi
vinai thIrththa ammAnidam viNNaNavum
padhalaik kabOdhaththoLi mAda neRRip
pavaLak kozhungAla paingAl puravam
madhalaith thalai men pedai kUdu nAngUr
maNi mAdak kOyil vaNangen mananE

Word-by-Word meanings

anRu – At that time
mudhu nIr – having ancient water
thadaththu – in the pond (grabbing the elephant’s foot)
thani mA mudhalai – the matchless big crocodile’s
muraN thIra – to eliminate the endless strength
sem kaN vEzham – the elephant which has reddish eyes due to anger
uyya – to be freed
vidhalaith thalaich chenRu – arriving during the sorrowful times
adhaRkE udhavi – helping that elephant
vinai thIrththa – one who eliminated its sorrow
ammAn – sarvESvaran’s
idam – being the abode
viN aNavum – touching the heaven
padhalai – kalaSas (pot like structures)
kabOdham – pigeon holes
oLi – having the shine of gems which were embossed
mAda neRRi – on the balconies
pavaLak kozhum kAla – like the well-grown feet of corals
paingAl puRavam – pigeon which is having greenish feet
madhalaith thalai – atop the short pillars
men pedai – with the female pigeon which is tender by nature
kUdum – residing together
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
maNi mAdak kOyil – thirumaNimAdak kOyil
en mananE – Oh my heart!
vaNangu – surrender

Simple translation

During the sorrowful times for the elephant which had reddish eyes due to its anger and which was caught by the matchless, big crocodile, sarvESvaran arrived at the ancient pond to eliminate the endless strength of the crocodile and free the elephant; being the abode of such sarvESvaran, thiru maNi mAdak kOyil in thirunAngUr which has mansions where the kalaSa (pot like structures) and pigeon holes are planted in the balconies and where the pigeon which is having greenish feet, which are like the well-grown feet of corals, is standing atop the short pillars, residing along with the the female pigeon which is tender by nature; oh my heart! surrender unto such dhivyadhESam.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

mudhalai … – To eliminate the matchless and endless strength of the crocodile.

mudhu nIrth thadaththu – It is well known that ocean has ancient water.

sem kaN vEzham uyya – Though elephant is strong, since the pond is not the natural habitat for it, it could not act with its strength; hence it became angry and its eyes turned reddish. To free such elephant. sem kaN – also implies the elephant which has reddish eyes being unable to protect itself.

senRu – Instead of abandoning thinking it’s gone, going and helping during dangerous times.

vidhalaith thalai – While suffering.

vinai thIrththa ammAn idam – The abode of the one who eliminated its sorrow. Eliminating the sorrow implies presenting himself to it to let it serve the flower at his lotus feet as it desired.

viN aNavum … – Being tall to reach heaven, having rows of kalaSas and pigeonholes, the mansions are shining due to being built using gold and gems; they have forehead – in the structures which have the face of tiger; padhalai – row of kalaSas.

pavaLak kozhum kAla paim kAl puRavam – Having well grown feet which are reddish like coral, the pigeons which are greenish.

madhalaith thalai – Atop the short pillars (which are on top of the tall pillars).

men padai kUdum – In thirunAngUr where the male pigeon is residing with the female pigeon which is too tender to even bear the union with it.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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