periya thirumozhi – 2.6.3 – Enaththin uruvAgi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Second centum >> Sixth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


Enaththin uruvAgi nilamangai ezhil koNdAn
vAnaththil avar muRaiyAl magizhndhu Eththi valangoLLa
kAnaththin kadalmallaith thalasayanaththu uRaiginRa
gyAnaththin oLi uruvai ninaivAr en nAyagarE

Word-by-Word meanings

Enaththin uruvAgi – Being in the form of varAha
nilamangai – SrI bhUmippirAtti’s
ezhil – (without disturbing the) beauty
koNdAn – freed the connection (from the wall of the universe) and accepted
vAnaththil avar – dhEvathAs such as brahmA et al
muRaiyAl – as per their respective position
magizhndhu – being joyful
Eththi – praise
valam koLLa – to serve favourably
kAnaththin – forest (in the western side)
kadal – having ocean (in the eastern side)
mallai – in mallApuri
thala sayanaththu – in sthalasayanam
uRaiginRa – mercifully reclining
gyAnaththin oLi uruvai – one who has a luminous form revealing knowledge
ninaivAr – those who meditate upon
en – for me
nAyagar – will be lords

Simple translation

Being in the form of varAha, emperumAn freed the connection of SrI bhUmip pirAtti with the wall of the universe and accepted her; to be joyfully praised and served favourably by dhEvathAs such as brahmA et al as per their respective position, such emperumAn who has a luminous form revealing knowledge, is mercifully reclining in sthalasayanam in mallApuri having forest in the western side and ocean in the eastern side; those who meditate upon such emperumAn will be my lords.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

Enam … – Just as those, who would like to engage with their dear ones, would dress up the way as their dear ones would like, emperumAn accepted the form of varAha and hid his earlier form. Just as a king would decorate the bed room and get noticed by the main consorts, emperumAn showed the beauty in the form of mahAvarAha and accepted SrI bhUmip pirAtti’s beauty. Since earth, one of the forms of SrI bhUmip pirAtti, was consumed by the ocean, to rescue such earth, he accepted the form of varAha which will not retract from water and mud, uplifted the earth and protected the same. SrI bhUmip pirAtti was captivated by his great quality thinking “One who leads the assembly of nithyasUris has taken this form for my sake!” and lost her beauty to him.

vAnaththil avar – nithyasUris in paramapadham.

muRaiyAl magizhndhu Eththi – People here praise him thinking “this is good [for us]”, but those in parampadham praise him out of love.

muRaiyAl … – Wherever they go, they will praise in the proper manner. To praise and serve favourably in the manner it is done in paramapadham.

kAnaththu … – While SrI bhUmip pirAtti lost her beauty and the nithyasUris were praising, he ignored them and desired for the forest, matching the animal species he is born in. Matching the form of varAha, he desired the forest.

kadal mallaith thala sayanaththu – Those who are meditating about how bhagavAn is present here in advance to protect everyone thinking “We cannot wait until the deluge to protect them”.

gyAnaththin oLi uruvai – One who is an embodiment of gyAnam.

ninaivAr en nAyagarE – Instead of being one-sided love, they too will think “he (AzhwAr) has come here for us” as my lords. When we don’t become their servitors, we won’t serve anyone else too.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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