periya thirumozhi – 2.4.8 -pichchach chiRu peeli

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


pichchach chiRu peeli pidiththu ulagil piNandhin madavAr avar pOl anganE
achchamilar nANilarAdhanmaiyAl avar seygai veRuththu aNimAmalar thUy
nachchi namanAr adaiyAmai namakku aruL sey ena uL kuzhaindhu Arvamodu
nichcham ninaivArkku aruL seyyumavaRku idam mAmalaiyAvadhu nIrmalaiyE

Word-by-Word meanings

pichcham – having feathers
siRu – small
peeli – peacock feather bunch
pidiththu – holding in the hand
ulagil – in the world
piNam – dead bodies
thin – eating
madavAravar pOl – like ghostly women
anganE – similarly
achcham ilar – being fearless
nAN ilar – being shameless
AdhanmaiyAl – due to this
avar seygai – seeing the acts of those worldly people
veRuththu – having disgust
aNi – being beautiful
mA – best
malar – flowers
thUy – submitting
nachchi – desiring (for sarvESvaran)
namanAr – yama et al
adaiyAmai – to be not reached
namakku aruL sey ena – saying “you should mercifully grant”
uL kuzhaindhu – with a melted heart
Arvamodu – with love
nichcham – daily
ninaivArkku – for those who meditate
aruL seyyumavarkku – one who showers his mercy
idam Avadhu – the abode
mA – best
malai – hill
nIr malai – thirunIrmalai

Simple translation

For those who are having disgust due to seeing the acts of those who are like ghostly women who are eating dead bodies in the world and are holding bunch of small peacock feathers and are fearless and shameless in this manner, and meditate daily with a melted heart and love, submitting beautiful, best flowers, saying “you should mercifully grant that we are not reached by yama et al”, desiring for sarvESvaran, sarvESvaran showers his mercy; the abode of such sarvESvaran is the best hill, thirunIrmalai.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pichchach chiRu peeli pidiththu … – Holding a bunch of small peacock feathers, they will roam like those who discard their clothes and eat dead bodies; similar to them, not having any fear to be standing in this manner, and not having any shame for being seen by others in this manner, they will roam around; due to being in this manner,

avar seygai veRuththu … – having disgust meditating upon roaming around independently without respecting the boundaries of vEdham, worshipping bhagavAn and conduct as shown in vEdham; desiring for bhagavAn, having items such as beautiful flowers for his worship, those who meditate upon bhagavAn to be not reached by yama et al; alternative explanation – yama et al desirously reaching; that is, yama et al thinking – these persons are engaged in sinful deeds and let us go and do whatever we desire for them; to be not reached by such yama et al.

namakku … – Those who meditate daily with love and melted heart saying “You should shower your mercy”; alternative explanation – Those who meditate with love and melted heart saying “You should shower your mercy daily”.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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