periya thirumozhi – 1.10.5 – thUNAy adhanUdu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

Now, in two pAsurams, AzhwAr explains how emperumAn has set out to help him. AzhwAr explains emperumAn’s arrival on thirumalA [in this pAsuram] and subsequently entering AzhwAr’s divine heart [in the next pAsuram].


thUNAy adhanUdu ariyAy vandhu thOnRi
pENA avuNan udalam piLandhittAy!
sENAr thiruvEngada mAmalai mEya
kONAgaNaiyAy! kuRikkoL enai nIyE

Word-by-Word meanings

thUNAy – being a mere pillar
adhanUdu – inside it
ariyAy – being narasimha
vandhu thOnRi – came and incarnated
pENA – one who did not respect
avuNan – hiraNya’s
udalam – chest
piLandhittAy – oh one who split it into two and threw it down!
sEN Ar – being very tall
mA – having great glory
thiruvEngada malai – on thirumalA
mEya – residing firmly
kOL – strong
nAgam – thiruvanandhAzhwAn (AdhiSEsha)
aNaiyAy – Oh one who has as divine mattress!
enai – me, the servitor
I – your highness
kuRikkoL – should consider in your divine heart.

Simple translation

Oh narasimha, who stayed inside the pillar and incarnated by coming out of it and split the chest of hiraNya who did not respect you, into two and threw it down! Oh one who has the strong AdhiSEsha as his divine mattress, residing firmly on the very tall and greatly glorious thirumalA! Your highness should consider me, the servitor, in your divine heart.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

thUNAy – It cannot be said that narasimha was created and placed inside the pillar. periyAzhwAr said in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 1.6.9 “aLandhitta thUNai avan thatta” (hiraNya knocked the pillar which was measured and built by him).

adhanUdu – Arriving inside it as a narasimha.

pENA avuNan … – Not respecting sarvESvaran implies tormenting his devotees. krishNa himself said in mahAbhAratham udhyOga parvam 89.31 “mama prANAhi pANdavA:” (Aren’t pANdavas my life?) One who is standing on the tall thirumalA.

kOL … – Oh one who is having the strong AdhiSEsha as your divine mattress! sthOthra rathnam 39 “prakrushta vigyAna balaika dhAmani” (One who is the abode of great knowledge and strength).

kuRikkoL … – Since prApthi (apt relationship) is the same [for both AdhiSEsha and me], you should consider in your divine heart for me to get the same result as that of AdhiSEsha.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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