SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> First Centum
AzhwAr only had two qualities – adhvEsham (non-hatred) and understanding of worldly pleasures to be lowly. Also, emperumAn considered AzhwAr’s rasikathvam (being one who relishes enjoyable aspects) as the reason, thought “Let me make all his sins since time immemorial, to be a target of my mercy”. To make AzhwAr understand emperumAn’s greatness in comparison to the lowly nature of the worldly pleasures, just as some generous ones will grant wealth along with the silk cloth which contains the wealth, emperumAn fully manifested his svarUpa (true nature), rUpa (forms), guNa (qualities) and vibhUthi (wealth), by first bestowing the thirumanthram (SrI ashtAksharam). AzhwAr enjoyed the same and became grateful thinking “emperumAn accepted me who is unqualified considering such disqualification as the reason” and hence repeated the divine name “nArAyaNa” (which is the anchor of thirumanthram) which was shown to him once, nine times and called out emperumAn. One cannot do anything in return for bhagavAn’s help and need not do as well [as bhagavAn does not expect anything from the AthmAs]; one should simply remain grateful for the favour bestowed upon the self, to distinguish oneself from achith (matter).
- pAsuram 1 – vAdinEn vAdi
- pAsuram 2 – AviyE amudhE
- pAsuram 3 – sEmamE vENdi
- pAsuram 4 – venRiyE vENdi
- pAsuram 5 – kaLvanEn AnEn
- pAsuram 6 – empirAn endhai
- pAsuram 7 – iRpiRappu
- pAsuram 8 – kaRRilEn kalaigaL
- pAsuram 9 – kulandhaRum
- pAsuram 10 – manjulAm sOlai
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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