thiruppAvai – Simple Explanation

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:



SrI maNavALa mAmunigaL reveals very beautifully, the greatness of ANdAL in the 22nd pAsuram of upadhEsa raththinamAlai:

inRO thiruvAdippUram emakkAga
anRO ingu ANdAL avadhariththALkunRAdha
vAzhvAna vaigundha vAn bOgam thannai igazhndhu
AzhwAr thirumagaLArAy

Is today thiruvAdippUram (the star pUram in the month of Adi)? Just as a mother will jump into a well to save her child (which had fallen into that well), SrI bhUmippirAtti, leaving aside the unlimited joyful experience in SrIvaikuNtam, incarnated as ANdAL, the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr, in order to uplift me, on this day. She incarnated in this world only to show in action the words of SrI varAhap perumAn to bhUmip pirAtti “By praising me through their words, meditating on me through their mind and worshipping me through flowers, jIvAthmAs (sentient entities) can easily attain me”. What amazement! What a grace!

ANdAL considered herself as a cow-herd girl, SrIvillipuththUr as SrI gOkulam, her friends as cow-herd girls, the emperumAn who is residing in vadaperungOyil (in SrIvillipuththUr) as kaNNa (krishNa), and the temple itself as the divine residence of nandhagOpar (father of krishNa). Through her great mercy, she revealed through simple-to-understand thamizh pAsurams called thiruppAvai that emperumAn is the means to attain him and that carrying out kainkaryam (service) to him purely for his happiness, after attaining him through his devotees, with the recommendatory role played by nappinnaip pirAtti, is the svarUpam (basic nature) for every AthmA.

thiruppAvai is celebrated as the root for all the vEdhas.  In other words, we can see the essence of vEdhas in thiruppAvai. An important revelation in vEdhas is that one can attain the divine feet of emperumAn with the help of those who are experts in vEdhas. In the same way, carrying out service to emperumAn along with his other devotees, for his happiness alone, is considered to be important. We can enjoy this aspect in thiruppAvai. emperumAnAr (bhagavadh SrI rAmAnuja) was called as thiruppAvai jIyar because of his involvement with the prabandham thiruppAvai. Another unique greatness for this prabandham is that there is no other prabandham in this world which is recited by everyone, from children to elders, with great happiness.

The simple translation for this prabandham is being written with the help of pUrvAchAryas’ (preceptors’) commentaries.


adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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