thiruvAimozhi – 4.7 – seelamillA

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction

(seelamillA) AzhwAr who became bewildered out of infinite grief born out of separation from paramapurusha (supreme lord), awakening slightly after hearing bhagavAn’s divine names, unable to tolerate the grief of such separation, calls out for emperumAn saying “kANa vArAy” (come and see me, come to be seen by me).

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction

See nampiLLai‘s introduction.

Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction

In the seventh decad –  For AzhwAr, the awakening acquired by hearing the divine names of bhagavAn as said previously in “Eththudhalum thozhudhAdum” (praise, pray and dance), instead of helping him reach emperumAn and enjoy him, led to worsen his grief due to not reaching him; as a result, this AzhwAr who has great desire to attain him starts highlighting the following aspects of sarvESvaran who is most enjoyable:

  1. his unique relationship with everyone which makes him protect all entities from losing their existence
  2. his audhAryam (magnanimity) which makes others to fully exist for him and to let them enjoy him
  3. his ultimate humility towards those exclusive devotees
  4. his ultimate beauty which triggers their desire towards him
  5. his acts of fulfilling the desires of his devotees even by engaging in difficult tasks
  6. his internal presence in everyone which kindles their desires towards him
  7. the enjoyable nature of such blissful presence in the hearts of everyone
  8. His being the origin of such great desire caused by his enjoyable nature
  9. His having enjoyable symbols in him to be enjoyed by those who desire to enjoy him
  10. His being revealed by all of vEdham

Meditating upon these aspects, AzhwAr mercifully explains the great longing which was born out his desire to enjoy such enjoyable emperumAn.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction

See nampiLLai‘s introduction.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction

As said in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 29.6 “varshENa bhIjam prathisanja harsha” (The crop which dried out due to wind and hot weather, became green on seeing the rains, similarly she [sIthA] became happy), the crop will naturally regain its freshness, AzhwAr awakened by the discussion on divine names. The instruction [by parAnkuSa nAyaki’s friend] about divine names of “vaNthuvarApathi mannai Eththumin” which is amrutha sanjIvani (medicine which gives immortality) as the pampering  awakened her; the result of that – the bewilderment was eliminated. Since in unconscious/bewildered state there is no contemplation [about emperumAn], there is no grief; but as the awakening did not lead to attainment of the goal, it caused grief and out of that grief, AzhwAr is calling out [for emperumAn]. One can tolerate hunger while asleep, but when awakened, one cannot be satisfied unless he is fed to his satisfaction. Once awakened, he contemplated upon the grief of not attaining emperumAn which could not be tolerated by him; he started thinking about

  • emperumAn‘s nature of helping when in danger
  • his ability to know the cause and bestow the remedy
  • his having the aptness [natural relationship] to help during danger
  • his having divine bodily beauty which cannot be borne when in separation
  • his having the ability to eliminate the obstacles and help during danger
  • his having the tools to help in such situations
  • his willing to protect everyone without holding back

This being the case, as he did not help seeing his sorrowful situation, AzhwAr cries out with great sorrow like an overflowing ocean rising and calling out, to be heard by him even if he is in paramapadham and to make him appear in front of him at once; as occurred in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 28.8 “hArAma hAlakshmaNa hAsumithrE” (sIthA calls out – Oh rAma! Oh lakshmaNa! Oh sumithrA!);

SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam “thadhApi sUthEna …” SlOkam is explained here:

  • thadhApi sUthEna … – SrI kausalyA cries out due to grief in separation of perumAL (SrI rAma), SrI sumanthra (minister/charioteer) consoled her saying “Don’t try to call him out in separation; he will himself be back”.
  • sUthEna – When the charioteer [like krishNa who was the charioteer for arjuna and who assumed the role of gIthAchArya] says something, it must be considered trustworthy.
  • suyukthavAdhinA – Even if one does not have full faith on the words of charioteer, he spoke very convincingly to eliminate the grief.
  • nivAryamANA – Though he stops them from grieving.
  • suthaSOkakarSithA – Her grief is so great that even his words did not convince her. When a child was born after long time, and that child got separated from the mother, how can the mother bear that? “
  • nachaivadhEvIvirarAmakUjithAth – Previously she eliminated others’ sufferings, and never having experienced sorrow, now she is crying out without break; she is crying out like a cuckoo, so that anyone hears that will feel pity for her. She called out saying “priyEthi puthrEthi cha rAgavEdhi cha” – Oh one who is so dear to me that I cannot bear your separation; Oh one who is the reliever of the suffering of those who are in separation from you; you being born in the clan of sarvarakshaka (protector of all), can you torture your own mother?. AzhwAr is now calling out for emperumAn like SrI kausalyA called out for SrI rAma.
Each pAsuram is discussed subsequently.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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