SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

pAsuram 35
aruLAlE adiyEnai abimAniththaruLi
anavaratham adimai koLLa ninaiththu nIyirukka
maruLAlE pulan pOga vAnjai seyyum enRan
valvinayai mARRi unpAl manam vaikkap paNNAy
theruLArum kUraththAzhvAnum avar selvath
thirumaganAr thAmum aruLicheydha thImaith
thiraLAna aththanaiyum sEravuLLa ennaith
thiruththi uyyakkoLLum vagai thERum ethirAsA!!!
Word-by-Word Meanings
anavaratham – (hey SrI rAmAnuja!!!) Always
ninaiththu nIyirukka – you are thinking
aruLAlE – out of your sheer compassion that
adiyEnai abimAniththaruLi – I am deemed to be fit only in paramapadham and not in the materialistic world
adimai kolla – and are thinking about using me for your eternal service.
pulan –(my) senses,
enRan – (because of) my
val – popular
vinayai – karmas,
vAnjai seyyum – long for
pOga – and go after materialistic aspects
maruLAlE – and presents me with ignorance that shrouds the above intention of yours.
paNNAi – (I request you to) bless me
mARRi – by taking the focus out of it
manam vaikka – and rechannelize the heart
unpAl – towards you.
theruLArum – The one who is full of knowledge and who goes by the name of
kUraththAzhvAnum – SrI kUrESa and
avar selvath thirumaganAr thAmum – his son periya bhattar who got the glorious opportunity of being born as the son of kUraththAzhvAn
aruLicheydha – deemed so low of themselves
thImaith thiraLAna – and listed out innumerable group of sins.
aththanayum – (though they said that out of humility), all of them
sEravuLLa – of them (without excluding any of them) are present.
ennaith – in my case.
ethirAsA!!! – yathirAja!
thERum – please think
vagai – of a way
thiruththi – about way to correct
uyyakoLLum – and liberate me
Simple Translation
In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL says that he has all the infinite list of sins that SrI kUrESa and his illustrious son have mentioned out of their humility in their works. These sins shroud him in realizing the pure intentions of SrI rAmAnuja who is always thinking of ways to liberate mAmunigaL and use him for his eternal service. mAmunigaL requests SrI rAmAnuja to redirected his mind that is controlled by senses that are powered by his many ordinary and cruel sins.
maNavALa mAmunigaL says, “hey! SrI rAmAnuja!!! “kUranAthabhattAkya dhESikavarOktha samasthanaichyam adhyAsthi asankuchithamEva (yathirAja vimshathi 15)” is a phrase that celebrates the great knowledge of sri kUresar and his son periya bhattar who got the glorious opportunity of being born to him. It is because of this great wealth of being born as son to SrI kUrESa, he is called as “SrIrangarAja kamalApadhalAli thathvam”. Both sri kUresar and bhattar, out of their extreme humility have listed their innumerable group of sins that includes the likes of the phrases “puthvAchanOcha adhikrAmangyAm (varadharAja sthavam)”. All these sins that they have listed are abundantly present in me. There is no one sin that I do not have”. mAmunigaL continues, “hey SrI rAmAnuja!! You always think about ways to correct people and liberate them as per the phrase “seyal nanRAga thiruthip paNikoLvAn (kaNNinuN siRuth thAmbu 10)”, You, out of sheer compassion towards me, deem myself to be fit in paramapadham and always think of ways to free me from the shackles of this mundane earth. Not withstanding that, you also think of ways to use me for your eternal service. However, my senses and my cruel sins shrouds that pure intention of yours. As per the phrase “SabdhAdhi bhOga ruchiranvahamEdhadhEha (yathirAja vimshathi 16)”, my sins are so strong and popular that it takes me away from you and indulges me more and more in materialistic stuff, fueled by my senses. I request you to kindly channelize those and divert my thoughts towards you as they say “thanpAl manamvaikkath thiruththi (thiruvAimozhi 1.5.10)”. I request you to kindly bless me with a heart that thinks about you, my eternal master. Please think about it”.
adiyEn santhAnam ramanuja dasan
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