sthOthra rathnam – 40

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Due to his urge towards kainkaryam (service), ALavandhAr enjoys thiruvananthAzhwAn’s (AdhiSEshan) distinguished activities. As said in SrIvishNu purANam 1.15.157 “upamAnamaSEshANAm sAdhUnAm yassadhA’bhavath |” (How prahladha has become the example of all good people), for those who are interested in kainkaryam, it is thiruvananthAzhwAn’s activities which are best examples. ALavandhAr explains ultimate state of such AdhiSEshan.

upadhAnavarshAthapavAraNAdhibhi: |
SarIrabhEdhais thava SEshathAm gathair
yathOchitham SEsha ithIrithE janai: ||

Word by word meaning

nivAsa SayyA Asana pAdhukA amSuka upadhAna varshAthapa vAraNa Adhibhi: – [AdhiSEsha] being the palace where emperumAn resides, being the bed where he rests, being the throne [where he sits], being the sandals [which he wears], being the garments [which he wears], being the pillow [which he embraces], being the umbrella which protects him from rain and shine, and assuming many other forms [for his service]
yathOchitham – as suitable for each situation
thava SEshathAm gathai: – in service for you
SarIra bhEdhai: – in many forms
SEsha: ithi janai: IrithE – being called by everyone as “SEsha”
anantha bhOgini – on the divine form of thiruvananthAzhwAn
AsInam – divinely resting

Simple Translation

emperumAn is divinely resting  on the divine form of thiruvananthAzhwAn who is being the palace where emperumAn resides, being the bed where he rests, being the throne [where he sits], being the sandals [which he wears], being the garments [which he wears], being the pillow [which he embraces], being the umbrella which protects him from rain and shine, and assuming many other forms [for his service] in service for you and hence [thiruvananthAzhwAn] is being called by everyone as “SEsha” …

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

  • nivAsa – He is said to be the palace where emperumAn is mercifully residing.
  • SayyA – the bed where he rests/sleeps.
  • Asana – mudhal thiruvanthAdhi 53 “irundhAl singAsanamAm” (the throne when he sits)
  • pAdhukA – mudhal thiruvanthAdhi 53 “ninRAl mara adiyAm” (the wooden sandals, when he stands)
  • amSuka – garment which conveys emperumAn’s masculinity
  • upadhAna – mudhal thiruvanthAdhi 53 “pulgum aNaiyAm” (the pillow which he embraces)
  • varshAthapavAraNa Adhibhi: – as said in mudhal thiruvanthAdhi 53 “senRAl kudaiyAm” (umbrella when he walks), umbrella to protect him from rain and shine. With the word “Adhi“, it is explained that there is no end to his forms due to his great attachment to serve emperumAn. It is said in chAndhOgya upanishath 7.26.2 “sa EkadhA bhavathi .. sahasradhA bhavathi” (mukthAthmA assumes one form, two forms … thousand forms, to serve emperumAn).
  • SarIra bhEdhai: – the differences in the different bodies are only due to the different kainkaryams one may be engaged in
  • thava SEshathAm gathai: – Just like the forms of your highness vary as per the different types of protection you provide to others, his forms vary as per the services he engages in.
  • yathOchitham – As said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 12.68 – dhaSaratha says “… yadhA yadhA hi kausalyA …” (kausalyA will be like a servant, friend, wife, sister and mother according to the situation, for me), according to the times.
  • janai: SEsha ithIrithE – He is known as “SEsha” by everyone whether young or old; also, he is like an embodiment of servitude.
  • janai: – this can also indicate nithyasidhdhars (nithyasUris) as said in thiruvAimozhi 3.7.5peru makkaL uLLavar” (nithyasUris); as per SEshathvam (being a servant) which is explained in vEdhartha sangraham “paragatha athiSayAdhanEchchaya upAdhEyathvam Eva yasya svarUpam sa SEsha: praSSEshI” (one who is acknowledged for always trying to bring in greatness for another person, he is called SEsha; the other person is called SEshi); vishNu thathvam “pArathanthryam parE pumsi …” (the mukthAthmA who is liberated from bondage, attains total dependence on paramAthmA, attains incomparable independence and enjoys along with paramAthmA) and so on.

In the next article we will enjoy the next SlOkam.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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