upadhESa raththina mAlai – 56

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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pAsuram 56

uyya ninaivu udaiyeer ungaLukkuch cholluginREn
vaiya guru munnam vAy mozhindha – seyya kalaiyAm
vachana bhUdaNaththin Azh poruLai kaRRadhanukku
Am nilaiyil nillum aRindhu.                                                               56


Word by word meaning

ninaivu udaiyeer – Oh those who are having the thought of
uyyaattaining true goal!
ungaLukkuch cholluginREn – I am telling this to you;
vaiya gurupiLLai lOkAchAryar
munnam – earlier
vAy mozhindha – divined
seyya – beautiful
kalai Am – sAsthram
vachana bhUdaNaththin – Sri vachana bhUshaNam;
kaRRu – learn (its)
Azh – deep/profound
poruLai – divine meanings, and
nilaiyil – act
Am – according
adhanukku – to what is learned;
nillum – you shall continue in it
aRindhu – with clarity.


Seeing that there are very few of them as said in the previous pAsuramOroruvar uNdAgil aththanai kAN uLLamE’, he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) thinks that we shall correct everyone to become an authority in SrI vachana bhUshaNam, and using the agreeableness of amicable people itself as the help, he is divining his advice to them to make them earnest in its meanings.

uyya ninaivu udaiyeer – Oh those having in mind the wish to reach true goal! Like said in ‘manamudaiyeer [thiruvAimozhi 10.5.1]’ (Oh those having the mind (that wishes to reach kaNNan’s divine feet)), having the wealth of amicable mind, what more eligibility are you going to have to earn? When seeing the nature of Isvaran too, He is not expecting anything more than desire, as said in ‘anyanachEthchathi’ (not wishing for anything else) – that is how He is. For this rahasya prabandham which is the inner meaning of thirumanthram, for learning and doing, only faith is required, isn’t it?

So you having the amicability, ungaLukkuch cholluginREn (I am telling this to you) – I who am interested in your survival (to reach true goal), am telling you about this greatest meaning till your wish for it is fulfilled. Not starting and ending my talk. I would not avoid telling you until you are steadfast in this.

If asking – If so, what is that rahasyam that you are going to tell us – then –

vaiya guru munnam vAi mozhindha – Unlike pUrvAchAryars who would advice in privacy based on their looking at the importance of meanings, piLLai lOkAchAryar due to his overflowing kindness, for the future generation to reach true goal, at that time he divined this as outlet of his experience, as said in ‘mozhipattOdum [thiruvAimozhi 8.10.5]’ (~ after immersing in Your auspicious qualities, and due to that, my love is overflowing as words of this thiruvAimozhi).

pillailokacharya-goshtipiLLai lOkAchAryar’s divine assembly

seyya kalai Am vachana bhUdaNaththin Azh poruLai – For those who are conducive, it is having sincerity of showing its glory, such one being a SAsthram, such one is SrI vachana bhUshNam – its deep/profound meanings;

kaRRuIn the presence of AchAryas who are immersed in the sath sampradhAyam, learning what they teach,

and because of that,

adhanukkAm nilaiyil nillum aRindhu – stay according to what is learned from it, knowing its respectability. You would achieve the high true goal.

Azh poruLaik kaRRu adhanukkAm nilaiyil nillum – is – Learning from AchAryan about ‘AchArya abhimAnamE uththArakam [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 450] (AchAryan’s love towards us is the protection), and understanding its respectability, and staying in the state that is suitable for achieving that.

It is said as ‘kettirukkaiyAy irukkum [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 443]’ (vadakkuth thiruveedhip piLLai has learned from AchAryan nampiLLai about the core meaning of SrI vachana bhUshaNam that is ‘AchArya abhimAnamE uththArakam’ – have heard about this many times from vadakkuth thiruveedhip piLLai), and as ‘kEttiruppAr’, isn’t it?

By this, it is established that survival / reaching true goal, is being in the state said in the meanings of Sri vachana bhUshaNam.

– – – – – – – – – –

Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan

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