upadhEsa raththina mAlai – 16

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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pAsuram 16

inRaip perumai aRindhilaiyO Ezhai nenjE
inRaikku en ERRam enil uraikkEn – nanRi punai
pallANdu pAdiya nam pattar pirAn vandhu udhiththa
nal Anilyil sOdhi nAL                                                                      16


Word by word meaning

Ezhai – (Oh) the ignorant
nenjE – mind!
aRindhilaiyO – Do you not know
inRai – today’s
perumai – greatness;
enil – If you are asking
ERRam en – what is the greatness
inRaikku – of today,
uraikkEn – I shall tell you;
nal – (It is) the good
Aniyil – Ani month (vaiSAka)
sOdhi nAL – svAthi star day (in which)
nam – our
pattar pirAnperiyAzhvAr
vandhu udhiththa – incarnated,
pAdiya – (and who) divined the song of
pallANduthiruppallANdu (prabandham)
punai – that is having / made of
nanRi – goodness.


Furthermore, he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) is divining to his mind about the greatness of Ani month (vaiSAka) svAthi star day in which periyAzhvAr incarnated, divined thiruppallANdu through which to revive the world, and having the greatness of referred to as ‘AzhvArgaL ellAraiyum pOl allar periyAzhvAr (srI vachana bhUshaNam – 251) (periyAzhvAr is not like any other AzhvAr (in the sense that periyAzhvAr sang pallANdu (long live) to emperumAn, compared to other AzhvArs who were usually pleading emperumAn to take them to SrI vaikuNtam; and more));

And so maNavALa mAmunigaL wishes to divine in a big way using five pAsurams about this AzhvAr’s greatness.

inRaip perumai aRindhilaiyO Ezhai nenjE –

Oh my mind you who without knowing the difference between the star days mentioned earlier and this star day, and who is fond of those other star days!

If comparing him to them it is ‘parvatha paramANuvOttai vAsi [thiruppallANdu vyAkyAna avathArikai?]’ (Difference between a mountain and a small atom/particle), then should you not be knowing that such difference is there in his star day also? Reason for ignorance is your poverty (of knowledge);

If so, if you asked what is the excellence of today, then hear what I say as I know its excellence very well.

nanRi punai etc. – That is, alas, the subject who is always wished well by the ever active nithyasUris who fear for emperumAn’s safety (even) in the place where time is immaterial (SrI vaikuNtam), has divined his appearance here with his soft beautiful auspicious divine body (dhivya mangaLa thirumEni), as target of the eyes, in this place where kali (yuga) is ruling and where there are offending enemies – so becoming very sad, AzhvAr took the bells from the elephant’s back (as he was sitting on it as arranged by the king for proving the superiority of SrIman nArAyaNan as the one and only one to go to, to escape from this material world), and setting the tune he sang thiruppallANdu to add glory to emperumAn – such bhatta nAthar (head of the learned) who is our head incarnated such that the Ani (vaiSAka) month’s svAthi star gained the greatness that is not present for any other (star days).

So, learn the greatness of this day which is wonderful in every which way, and become fond of it.

nanRi punai(nanRi -> goodness) (punai -> put/tie together); Goodness put together in his pallANdu. Goodness put together on emperumAn by his pallANdu. It is to be said, ‘thAn mangaLam AdhalAl [upadhEsa raththina mAlai – 19] (auspicious (thiruppallANdu)), and ‘pallANdu enRu kAppu idum [rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 15] ((periyAzhvAr who puts together protection (mangaLASAsanam) to emperumAn through pallANdu).

pattar pirAn – (head of the learned) – by this it has talked about the way he established the supremacy of emperumAn and destroyed placement of that in others.


pallANdu pAdiya – by this it has talked about the way of his care for the divine beautiful body of emperumAn.

By this, it is clear that Isvaran’s (one who controls) svarUpam (nature) etc., are under the control of this AzhvAr.

– – – – –

English Translation: raghurAm srInivAsa dhAsan

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