thiruppaLLiyezuchchi – thaniyans

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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vyuhavasudevanvyUha vAsudhEvan

thaniyan blessed by thirumAlai ANdAn

thamEva mathvA paravAsudhEvam
rangEsayam rAjavadharhaNIyam
prAbOdhikIm yOkrutha sUkthimAlAm
bhakthAngrirENum bhagavanthamIdE

தமேவ மத்வா பரவாஸுதேவம்
ரங்கேசயம் ராஜவதர்ஹணீயம்
ப்ராபோதிகீம் யோக்ருத ஸூக்திமாலாம்
பக்தாங்க்ரிரேணும் பகவந்தமீடே

word-by-word translation
ya: – that AzhwAr
rAjavath – like a king
arhaNIyam – worshippable
rangEsayam – periya perumAL who is lying on the serpent bed at srIrangam
tham paravAsudhEvam Eva – that same paravAsudhEva (of srIvaikuNtam)
mathvA – considering
prAbOdhikIm – that which will wake (him) up
sUkthimAlAm – garland of words
akrutha – mercifully gave
(tham – such)
bhagavantham – one who possesses auspicious qualities such as gyAnam, etc.
bhakthANgrirENum – thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr
IdE – I glorify

Simple Translation
I glorify thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr who possesses auspicious qualities of gyAnam (knowledge), etc., and the one who mercifully gave us the garland of words that will wake up periya perumAL who is lying on the serpent bed, who is worshippable like a king and considering him as none other than paravAsudhEvan of srIvaikuNtam.

Highlights from piLLai lOkam jIyar‘s vyAkyAnam

  • rAjavadharhaNIyam – Since srI rAma who was the son of dasaratha, the unchallenged emperor of the entire bhAratha dhEsam, himself worshipped srIranganAthan (who was the kula dhaivam of raghu vamsam), periya perumAL must be treated like a great king. He is also the king of all kings and everyone else.
  • rangEsayam – archAvathAra emperumAns glories are fully revealed – that he descends from paramapadham with all the same divine form, qualities, etc., and at the same time his saulabhyam (simplicity) is also manifested by emperumAn in archAvathAramarchAvathAra emperumAns are also easily approachable by everyone unlike paravAsudhEvan.
  • paravAsudhEvam – As srIranganAthan is worshipped through thirudhvAdhasAkshari (vAsudhEva manthram) in his thiruvArAdhanam, here vAsudhEva name is used. Amongst the 4 vyUha forms of emperumAn, the first form is called as vAsudhEva. kshIrAbdhi nAthan (emperumAn who is lying down in milk ocean is glorified for his sauhArdham (kind-hearted nature) as he is lying down and contemplating about the well-being of all jIvAthmAs. srIranganAthan is also doing the same – he is lying down in srIrangam and constantly thinking about the well-being of all jIvAthmAs who are suffering in this samsAram.
  • Finally, thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr is glorified as the one who is filled with gyanam (knowledge), vairAgyam (renunciation), etc., and the one who sung these wonderful garland of words named thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi.


thaniyan blessed by thiruvaranga perumAL arayar

maNdangudiyenbar mAmaRaiyOr
manniyasIrth thoNdaradippodi thonnagaram
vaNdu thiNarththavayal thennarangath thammAnaip
paLLiyuNarththum pirAnudhiththa Ur

மண்டங்குடியென்பர் மாமறையோர்
மன்னியசீர்த் தொண்டரடிப்பொடி தொன்னகரம்
வண்டு திணர்த்தவயல் தென்னரங்கத் தம்மானைப்
பள்ளியுணர்த்தும் பிரானுதித்த ஊர்

word-by-word translation
vaNdu – beetles
thiNarththa – closely living
vayal – surrounded by fertile fields
then – beautiful
arangaththu – (lying down) in srIrangam
ammAnai – periya perumAL
paLLiyuNarththum – waking him up
pirAn – one who does great favours
thoNdaradippodi – AzhwAr whose name is thoNdaradippodi
udhiththa Ur – birth place
sIr manniya – glorious
maNdangudi – thirumaNdangudi
thol nagaram – ancient town
enbar mAmaRaiyOr – so says elders who are well versed in vEdham

Simple Translation
Elders who are well versed in vEdham say thirumNdangudi is the glorious birth place of AzhwAr whose name is thoNdaradippodi and who has done great favours and the one who is waking up periya perumAL who is lying down in srIrangam which is surrounded by beautiful fertile fields where many beetles live closely to each other.

Highlights from piLLai lOkam jIyar‘s vyAkyAnam

  • Like kaNNangudi, kuRungudi, puLLAmbhUthangudi, etc., which are dhivya dhEsams that are dear to emperumAn, maNdangudi is also glorified here. maNdangudi is also compared to AzhwArthirunagari which the birth place of nammAzhwAr.
  • Existence of many beetles indicates the natural beauty of the environment. srIrangam is glorified in many other dhivya prabandhams as a very beautiful place. Additional Note: thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr himself srIrangam is a beautiful garden populated by many beetles in his thriumAlai.
  • Not only he woke emperumAn up, he has also done us great favours by blessing us with this thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi dhivya prabandham which can be recited by us also.
  • Just like the sun rises in the east and dispels the darkness, AzhwAr appeared in thirumaNdangudi and dispelled the ignorance of the ignorant people.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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