perumAL thirumozhi – 7.11 – mallai mAnagar

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 7th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr mercifully gives the benefits to those who recite this padhigam and brings the padhigam to an end.

mallai mAnagarkku iRaiyavan thannai vAn seluththi vandhu Inganam mAyaththu
ellaiyil piLLai seyvana kANAth theyvath thEvagi pulambiya pulambal
kolli kAvalan mAladi mudi mEl kOlamAm kulasEkaran sonna
nallisaith thamizh mAlai vallArgaL naNNuvAr ollai nAraNan ulagE

Word-by-Word Meanings

mallai – having plenty of opulence
mAnagarkku – for the big town of SrI madhurai (present day mathurA)
iRaiyavan thannai – kamsan, the king
vAn seluththi – sending him off to svargam (heaven)
vandhu – coming to thiruvAyppAdi (SrI gOkulam)
Inganam – like these
ellaiyil mAyaththu piLLai – krishNa, who carried out unlimited amazing activities, his
seyvana kANA – one who could not see his activities
dheyvath thEvagi – dhEvaki who has divine qualities
pulambiya pulambal – the pAsurams which she composed with her lament
kolli kAvalan – controller of kolli nagar
mAl adi mudimEl kOlamAm – one who has kept the divine feet of emperumAn on his crown
kulasEkaran – kulaSEkhara AzhwAr
sonna – mercifully told
nallisai – having sweet music
thamizh mAlai – thamizh pAsurams
vallArgaL – those who can recite
ollai – very soon
nAraNan ulagu – paramapadham
naNNuvArgaL – will attain

Simple Translation

dhEvaki did not get to see the unlimited, amazing activities of krishNa, who had sent to heaven, kamsan, the king of madhurai, which has plenty of opulence. She composed these pAsurams through her lament, which were told by kulaSEkhara AzhwAr, the controller of kolli nagar, who has kept the divine feet of emperumAn on his crown. Those who recite these thamizh pAsurams which are set to sweet music, will attain paramapadham (SrI vaikuNtam) soon.

vyAkyAnam (Commentarya)

mallai mAnagarkku iRaiyavan thanni vAn seluththi – by killing kamsan, the king of north madhurai, which has plenty of opulence, with his own hands, emperumAn sent him to svargam.

vandhu Inganam mAyaththu ellaiyil piLLai seyvana kANA – not having seen the unlimited activities like these which kaNNan performed as a child, after killing kamsan and coming to thiruvAyppAdi.

dheyvath thEvagi pulambiya pulambal – the words spoken by dhEvaki who has divine qualities. Though she did not see the amazing activities of kaNNan, since she gave birth to him, it could be said that she had divine qualities. In the 5th pAsuram of this decad, AzhwAr had referred to yaSOdhAp pirAtti as dheyva nangai (divine lady) since she had seen and enjoyed the activities of kaNNan as a child; Since dhEvaki had the fortune of giving birth to him, he is calling her as dheyvath thEvagi. In pAsuram 25 of thiruppAvai, did not ANdAL too call these two ladies as nonpareil “oruththi maganAyp piRandhu Oriravil oruththi maganAy oLiththu vaLara” (born to one divine lady as her son and within a night, brought up by another divine lady, through hiding).

kolli kAvalan – one who ruled from kolli, the capital city of chEra nAdu.

mAladi mudimEl kOlamAm kulasEkaran – since he is greater than everyone, emperumAn is called as mAl. kulaSEkharap perumAL had the divine feet of emperumAn on his crown as a garland.

sonna nal isaith thamizh mAlai vallArgaL – those who learn this decad which has been composed as thamizh pAsuram by kulaSEkharap perumAL with sweet music

naNNuvAr ollai nAraNan ulagE – they will very soon attain paramapadham, the divine abode of SrIman nArAyaNan, the lord of both vibhUthis, instead of lamenting like me, kulaSEkharan, who desired to enjoy the avathAram of kaNNan in this samsAram, but couldn’t.

Next, we will take up the 8th decad of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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