Arththi prabandham – 58

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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mAmunigaL in his last pAsuram said “thiruvAimozhip piLLai vAsamalarth thAL adaindha vaththu”. mAmunigaL celebrated himself as a “vasthu” (an entity in the first place) that sought the lotus feet of thiruvAimozhip piLLai. He says that there is more to it. It is because of his association with thiruvAimozhip piLLai (AchAryan – Sishya relationship), he was able to recognize, appreciate and understand the significance of the relationship with SrI rAmAnujA.

pAsuram 58

endhai thiruvAimozhip piLLai innaruLAl
undhan uRavai uNarththiya pin indha uyirkku
ellA uRavum nI enRE ethirAsA
nillAdhadhu uNdO en nenju

Word-by-Word Meanings

endhai – (mAmunigaL says) “There is a popular phrase that goes like “thirumanthram mAthAvum, pithA AchAryanum enRu aruLich cheyvargaL”. Based on that my father thiruVaimozhip piLLai.
thiruvAimozhip piLLai – his
innaruLAl – causeless mercy
undhan uRavai – (made me understand) all kinds of relations at your (SrI rAmAnuja’s) lotus feet
indha uyirkku – that this soul shares.
uNarththiya pin – After protecting me by making me realize my ignorance in the first place,
ethirAsA – emperumAnArE!!!
nI enRE – Isn’t it you?
ellA uRavum – who is referred in all the possible relationships that are implicit in thirumanthram?
en nenju  nillAdhadhu uNdO – (Having said that) Will there ever be a condition when, my  heart will be wavering? (The answer is an obvious no). It behooves us to take cognizance of the opportune phrases in “thandhai naRRAi thAram thanayar perunjelvam endhanakku nIyE” and “allAdha suRRamumAgi

Simple Translation

mAmunigaL says that it is because of his AchAryan and spiritual father thiruvAimozhip piLLai’s grace that he was able to realize all the different relationship that his soul shares with SrI rAmAnuja. His grace removed all the ignorance he had hitherto and thereby protecting him. After this, mAmunigaL questions will there ever be a condition when his heart would be wavering? The answer is a clear no.


mAmunigaL says, “There is a popular phrase that goes like “thirumanthram mAthAvum, pithA AchAryanum enRu aruLich cheyvargaL”. Based on that my spiritual father thiruvAimozhip piLLai’s causeless mercy made me understand, all kinds of relations at your (SrI rAmAnuja’s) lotus feet that this soul shares. Hey emperumAnArE!!! After protecting me by making me realize my ignorance in the first place, isn’t it you who is referred in all the possible relationships that are implicit in thirumanthram? Having said that, will there ever be a condition when, my  heart will be wavering? (The answer is an obvious no). It behooves us to take cognizance of the opportune phrases in “thandhai naRRAi thAran thanayar perunjelvam endhanakku nIyE (Arththi prabandham 3)” and “allAdha suRRamumAgi (Arththi prabandham 54)”.

adiyEn santhAnam ramanuja dasan

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