SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction) – She praises pAnchajanyam saying “You are fortunate that for taking a bath, instead of having to run around everywhere, remaining in the place where you are staying, you could take bath in the most pious water which is coming from the divine coral mouth”
pOyththIrththamAdAdhE ninRa puNarmarudham
sAyththIrththAn kaiththalaththE ERik kudikoNdu
sEyththIrththamAy ninRa sengaNmAl thannudaiya
vAyththIrththam pAyndhAda vallAy valam puriyE!
Word-by-Word Meanings
valam puriyE! – Oh, the conch which has curled on the right side!
pOy – going for a long distance
thIrththam – in rivers such as gangA etc
AdAdhE – without having to undergo difficulties for taking a bath
ninRa – standing as two trees, due to the curse of sage nAradha
puNar marudham – twin marudha trees [a species of tree, Indian laurel]
sAyththu IrththAn – kaNNa pirAn who felled them, breaking them into two, his
kaiththalam ERi – going on to this divine hand
kudi koNdu – residing (there) permanently
sEy thIrththam Ay ninRa – the most sacred water for the entire world
sem kaN mAl thannudaiya – kaNNapirAn, who has lotus-like eyes, his
vAy thIrththam – in the water, which is in his divine mouth
pAyndhu – settling
Ada vallAy – you have the fortune of having a bath
Simple Translation
Oh, the divine conch which has curled on the right side! For taking a bath you do not have to walk a long distance and face difficulties in having a bath in rivers such as gangA etc. You can get on to the divine hand of kaNNapirAn, who snapped the twin marudha trees [by going between then], reside permanently there and have a bath in the most sacred water for the entire world, which is in the divine mouth of kaNNa pirAn, who has lotus-like eyes. How fortunate are you!
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
pOyth thIrththamAdAdhE – people in the world walk for thousands of miles in order to immerse themselves in salty waters and brackish waters. While such is the situation, while staying in the same place where you are residing, you are immersing yourself in the most sacred, most enjoyable water; how to call your fortunate situation!
ninRa puNar marudham sAyththu IrththAn kaiththalaththE – two celestial entities, naLa and kUbara, due to a curse by sage nAradha, became marudha trees. A monster, set upon krishNa by kamsa, pervaded those trees which hardly had any gap between them. Creating a space between those two marudha trees, kaNNa pirAn went between those two trees, dragging a mortar to which he had been tied, by yaSOdhA. When the mortar went between them, the trees snapped and fell down. Hearing that noise, emperumAn turned back, with a childish face. On the divine hand of such emperumAn…
ERik kudikoNdu – Just as it has been mentioned in SrI vishNu purANam 5-3-11 “upasamhara sarvAthman! rUpam Ethachchathurbhujam l jAnAthu mA’vathAram thE kamSO’yam dhithijanmaja ll” (Oh one who is all pervading! Please hide your divine form with four divine hands. Let not kamsan, the monster, know about your divine incarnation), SrI pAnchajanyAzhwAn had seen the danger which came when he hid himself, along with the divine disc, in order to fulfil the command of parents, when born as a human entity. Hence, he firmly decided “From now onwards, we should never separate ourselves from emperumAn”. Hence, he dwells continuously on emperumAn’s hand, without ever separating from him.
sEyth thIrththamAy ninRa – remaining as the sweetest and most sacred water. This term could be taken as an adjective for vAyththIrththam and also for sengaNmAl. SrI rAmAyaNam uththara kANdam 82-9 says “pAvanas sarvalOkAnAm thvamEva rughunandhana” (Oh raghunandhana! [SrI rAma] You are the one who purifies all the worlds); mahAbhAratham vana parvam thIrthayAthrA 88-26 says “pavithrANAm hi gOvindha: pavithram param uchyathE l puNyAnAmapi puNyOsau mangalAnAncha mangaLam ll” (Among the pure entities, gOvindha is considered as the purest; among the virtuous entities, he is the most virtuous; among the auspicious entities, he is the most auspicious). thiruvAimozhi 2-8-6 says “thIrththan ulagaLandha sEvadi..” (the divine feet of the purest entity who measured all the worlds..). As seen from these pramANams (authentic texts), when he is spoken of as the most pious entity, is it needed to say that the divine nectar from his mouth is the most distinguished one!
sengaNmAL thannudaiya – chAndhOgya upanishath says that emperumAn has divine eyes which are like lotus, just then blossomed by sUrya (sun). Such sarvESvaran’s ….
vAyththIrththam pAyndhAda vallAy – just like one immerses in that portion of the sea where nectar is available, you are capable of immersing in the nectar of his divine mouth which is the most pious. Are you not standing near the entrance to that divine mouth and having your bath!
valam puriyE – just as you have a distinction in your enjoyment, you have a distinction in your physical feature too, by curling on the right side, says ANdAL, praising him.
Next, we will consider the 7th pAsuram of this decad.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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