SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction) – She praises pAnchajanyan saying “Other conches will not be a match for you, who are constantly imbibing the nectar of madhusUdhanan”
unnOdu udanE oru kadalil vAzhvArai
innAr inaiyAr enR(u) eNNuvAr illai kAN
mannAgi ninRa madhusUdhan vAyamudham
pannALum uNginRay pAnchasanniyamE!
Word-by-Word Meanings
pAnchasanniyamE! – Oh, divine conch!
oru kadalil – in the same ocean
unnOdu udanE – along with you
vAzhvArai – many others who live
innAr inaiyAr enRu eNNuvAr illai kAN – see, no one respects as an entity
(Only you alone)
man Agi ninRa – one who is the lord of every one
madhusUdhan – kaNNapirAn’s
vAy amudham – nectar of the divine mouth
pal nALum – for a long time
uNginRAy – are drinking
(Hence, you alone are fortunate)
Simple Translation
Oh, the divine conch! No one respects any of the many other conches, which live along with you in the same ocean, as an entity. You have been, for a long time, drinking the nectar from the mouth of madhusUdhanan, who is lord of all. How fortunate, are you!
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
unnOdudanE ….. eNNuvArillai kAN – In the same ocean where you lived, there are many other conches. But there is no one who has given a name to any of those conches. How great is it that you had lived a unique life! The implied meaning is that there is none who would think of the svarUpam (basic nature), referred to by the term innAr in the pAsuram or their characteristics, referred to by the term inaiyAr in the pAsuram, for all those other conches.
mannAgi ninRa – One who is the head of all the worlds, as mentioned in mahAbhAratham ASva parvam 43-13 “rAjAdhi rAjas sarvEshAm vishNur brahmamayO mahAn l ISvaram tham vijAnIma: sa pithA sa prajApathi ll” (vishNu alone is the radiant entity who is the emperor of all the kings, who is eminent as brahmasvarUpi (with the nature of the supreme entity). We all know him alone as ISvaran (one who controls all). He alone is the father; he is also the progenitor).
madhusUdhan – one who annihilated the monster, madhu. This (madhusUdhanan) is not merely a divine name, but implies that he has the nature of weeding out hurdles for his followers.
vAy amudham – the nectar from the divine mouth of one who has such eminence
pannALum uNginRAy – we, his consorts, are the ones who have to constantly drink in that nectar. However, you enjoy that always, making us to enjoy it on occasions only.
pAncha sanniyamE – Oh, conch, born from the stomach of the monster, panchasanan! I, born to periyAzhwAr, am falling at your feet while you, born to a monster, are enjoying every day.
Next, we will consider the 6th pAsuram of this decad.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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