nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 6.10 – kungumam appi

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

Full series >> Sixth decad

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she says that she dreamt that she went on an elephant along with him, around the town and that they were given a divine bath.

kungumam appik kuLir sAndham mattiththu
mangalavIdhi valam seydhu maNa nIr
angavanOdum udan senRu angu Anai mEl
manjanam Attak kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn

Word-by-Word Meanings

angu – in that place
thOzhI! – Oh, dear friend!
kungumam – vermillion paste
appi – applying all over the physical form
kuLir sAndham – cool sandalwood paste
mattiththu – applying heavily [in large measure]
angu Anai mEl – on top of an elephant, there
avanOdum udan senRu – being together with that kaNNa pirAn
mangalam vIdhi – (for the marriage) in the streets shining with decorations
valam seydhu – going around the town
maNam nIr – with fragrant water
manjanam Atta – being given divine bath (for the two of us)
nAn kanAk kaNdEn – I dreamt

Simple Translation

Oh, dear friend! I dreamt that in that place, we were applied with vermillion paste all over our physical forms, along with a heavy layer of sandalwood paste. We were taken on an elephant, in that place, around the well decorated streets. We were given divine bath with fragrant water.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

kungumam appik kuLir sAndham mattiththu – In the fourth pAsuram [of this decad] “pUppunai kaNNip punidhanOdu en thannaik kAppu nAN katta” it was mentioned that kaNNa pirAn had just a single garland to decorate himself with, when he was to tie the sacred thread around her wrist. Since in the pAsurams which were recited subsequently, other events of the marriage were described, he would have had several other garlands and decorations. With such exhaustive decorations, would it not have been unbearable to sit in front of agni [ritual fire], with his tender form? Hence, removing all those grand decorations, cool and comfortable vermillion paste was applied all over the divine physical form, as a relief from the warmth of agni. Further, sandalwood paste, which was kept under the ground for maturing, was also applied heavily on the divine physical form.

angu maNa nIr mangala vIdhi valam seydhu – Taking all the materials for giving a divine bath, going in a procession around the streets which had been decorated for the marriage.

angu Anai mEl avanOdum udan senRu – In the first pAsuram, “vAraNam Ayiram sUzha valam seydhu”, it was mentioned that before the wedding commenced, he came with his friends atop elephant, around the streets. This verse now says that after the wedding, she and he sat atop an elephant to go around the streets, in a procession.

manjanamAttak kanAk kaNdEn – I dreamt that in order to rid ourselves of all the ennui that we had experienced during various events of the wedding, we were seated together and were given a divine bath.

thOzhI! nAn – Since it was in my dream, I saw all these events. The meaning hinted here is that the friend did not get to see them.

Next, we will consider the last pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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