AzhwAr/AchAryas vAzhi thirunAmams – thirumazhisai AzhwAr – Simple explanation

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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thirumazhisai AzhwAr was born in thirumazhisai. His birth star is thai magham – thai month and magha nakshathra. He graced this world with many prabandhams. But unfortunately, only two of his prabandhams are available now. They are nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi and thiruchchandha viruththam. He was deeply engrossed in emperumAn’s antharyAmithvam (being in-dwelling super-soul). He believed that the Almighty reveals Himself to the greatest yOgis and devotees within their hearts. emperumAn revealed Himself in this way to this AzhwAr and he was completely involved in this. Also, he had a strong opinion that SrIvaishNavas should be subservient only to SrIman nArAyaNan and they should not think about dhEvathAntharams (other dhEvathAs) even if they forget SrIman nArAyaNan. 

thirumazhisai AzhwAr’s vAzhi thirunAmam:

anbudan andhAdhi thoNNURARu uraiththAn vAzhiyE
azhagArum thirumazhisai amarntha selvan vAzhiyE
inbamigu thaiyil magaththingu udhiththAn vAzhiyE
ezhiRchandhaviruththam nURRirubadhInthAn vAzhiyE
munbugaththil vandhudhiththa munivanAr vAzhiyE
muzhup perukkil ponni edhir midhandha sollOn vAzhiyE
nanpuviyil nAlAyiraththu ezhunURRAn vAzhiyE
nangaL paththisAran iru naRpadhangaL vAzhiyE

thirumazhisai AzhwAr vAzhi thirunAmam explanation: 

anbudan andhAdhi thoNNURARu uraiththAn vAzhiyE

Because of his compassion for samsAris and as he had so much love towards emperumAn, he graced nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi which has 96 pAsurangaL. As this prabandham starts with ‘nAnmuganai nArAyaNan padaiththAn’ it is known as nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi. 

This prabandham is set in anthAdhi kramam. This AzhwAr had limitless love for emperumAn, he wrote this prabandham. This is one reason. We can also say that, in this materialistic world people suffer a lot. To enable them to pray to God, AzhwAr wanted to give them a prabandham with which they can invoke emperumAn to have mercy on them. This is the second reason. 

azhagArum thirumazhisai amarntha selvan vAzhiyE

thirumazhisai kshEthram is beautiful. It is also known as mahIsAra kshEthram. Here,  the AzhwAr is addressed as selvan which means prosperity. What prosperity does this AzhwAr have? Here, we are not talking about money. We are talking about kainkarya selvam. Let the selvan (AzhwAr) who has got kainkarya selvam live for thousands and thousands of years! 

inbamigu thaiyil magaththingu udhiththAn vAzhiyE

This line tells us about AzhwAr’s birth – the star and the month of his birth. AzhwAr’s avathAram happened in the month of thai. His star is magam and because of AzhwAr’s avathAram, the month of thai and the star magam have become pleasant. Let this AzhwAr who is the reason for this pleasure live long!

ezhiRchandhaviruththam nURRirubadhInthAn vAzhiyE

One of thirumazhisai AzhwAr’s prabandhams – thiruchchandhaviruththam is very poetic ie., the words in that prabandham are rich. Also, this prabandham is set in viruththam style of poetry. We can sing them set to a rAgam and thALam. Both these aspects make this prabandham beautiful. There are 120 poems in thiruchchandha viruththam. Let this AzhwAr who graced us with this beautiful prabandham live long!

munbugaththil vandhudhiththa munivanAr vAzhiyE

He was born in dhvApara yuga and was in meditative status for many years in kali yuga. We understand from history that he lived for 4700 years. He was always in meditation, deeply engrossed  in emperumAn’s divine qualities. He was born in the previous yuga. Let him live for many many years to come!

muzhup perukkil ponni edhir midhandha sollOn vAzhiyE

This AzhwAr has written many prabandhams. He wanted to decide which ones should be retained in this world. When ponni river (cAuvEry) was flooding, he threw all his prabandhams in the flood. thiruchchandha viruththam and nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi floated back to AzhwAr. All the other granthams floated away in the water. ‘sollOn’ means –  who owns those words – this AzhwAr – let him live for thousands and thousands of years!

nanpuviyil nAlAyiraththu ezhunURRrAn vAzhiyE

thirumazhisai AzhwAr lived in this world for 4700 years. Let this AzhwAr live long!

nangaL paththisAran iru naRpadhangaL vAzhiyE

This AzhwAr has another thirunAmam (name) ‘paththisAran’. Let his two thiruvadigaL live forever!

This AzhwAr is also known as ‘thirumazhisaip pirAn’. He was very much attached to thirukkudandhai ArAvamudhan. In general, emperumAn is given the name ‘pirAn’ – the one who helps us or who is interested in human well-being.  The unique relationship and endearing affection between this AzhwAr and emperumAn result in the name ‘pirAn’ being bestowed upon this AzhwAr and emperumAn is known as ArAvamudhAzhwAr.

adiyen ranjani ramanuja dasi


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