perumAL thirumozhi – 10.8 – ambonedu maNi mAda

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 10th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr says in this pAsuram that he will not regard anything other than the narrative of SrI rAma, who, after returning to ayOdhdhi and after being coronated as the king, heard the narrative of the clan of rAvaNa, who he had killed, through sage agasthya and his own narrative from kuSa and lava, who were given birth to, by sIthAp pirAtti.

ambon nedu maNi mAda ayOdhdhi eydhi araseydhi agaththiyan vAyth thAn mun konRAn
than perum thol kadhai kEttu midhilaich chelvi ulaguyyath thiruvayiRu vAyndha makkaL
sembavaLath thiraLvAyththan saridhai kEttAn thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL
emperumAn than saridhai seviyAl kaNNAl paruguvOm innamudham madhiyOm onRE

Word-by-Word Meanings

am pon nedu maNi mAdam – (decorated for coronation) having beautiful, distinguished mansions embellished with precious stones
ayOdhdhi eydhi – returned to ayOdhdhi city
arasu eydhi – took the burden of ruling
thAn mun konRAn than – rAvaNa. who was killed by him earlier, his
peru thol kadhai – all the lengthy narratives of past history
agaththiyan vAy kEttu – heard through sage agasthya
midhilaich chelvi – sIthAp pirAtti, the divine daughter of SrI janakarAjan
ulagu uyya – for uplifting the world
thiru vayiRu vAyththa – given birth to
makkaL– sons kuSa and lava
sem pavaLam thiraL vAy – with the mouth looking like dense reddish coral
than saridhai – SrI rAmAyaNam, his own narrative
kEttAn – mercifully heard
thillainagar chithrakUdam thannuL – in thiruchchithrakUtam, which is inside thillai nagar
emperumAn than – (one who has mercifully taken residence) my lord
saridhai – narrative
seviyAl kaNNAl paruguvOm – we, who have enjoyed hearing through ears and seeing through the eyes
in amudham – even the sweet ambrosia
onRu madhiyOm – will not regard as anything of consequence

Simple Translation

After reaching ayOdhdhi which had beautiful and distinguished mansions decorated with precious gemstones, and taking over the reign of his kingdom, SrI rAma heard the narrative of rAvaNa’s clan through sage agasthya. He also mercifully heard SrI rAmAyaNam, his own narrative, through the dense, reddish coral-like mouths of kuSa and lava, the children of the divine daughter of janakarAjan, sIthAp pirAtti. Such SrI rAma has mercifully taken residence in thiruchchithra kUtam, inside thillai nagar. We, who have enjoyed hearing such SrI rAma’s narrative through our ears and seeing through our eyes, will not regard even the sweet ambrosia as anything of consequence.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

am pon nedu maNi mAda ayOdhdhi eydhi – SrI rAma entered ayOdhdhi whose mansions were decorated for his coronation event, with distinguished, precious gemstones, so that the entire world would be happy.

arasu eydhi – Just as it has been said in SrI rAmAyNam bAlakANdam 1-89 “nandhigrAmE jatAm hithvA bhrAthrubhis sahithO’naghA l rAma: sIthAm anuprApya rAjyam punar avApthavAn ll” (In nandhigrAmam, shedding his matted hair, and being together with his brothers, SrI rAma, who has no faults, attained sIthAp pirAtti and the kingdom), he took over the reign of ayOdhdhi so that the entire world would prosper.

agaththiyan vAyth thAn mun konRAn than perundhol kadhai kEttu – since he had nothing else to do, in order to spend time purposefully, through sage agasthya, he heard the narrative of the entire clan of rAvaNa, whom he had killed earlier.

midhilaich chelvi ……. madhiyOm onRE – SrI rAma mercifully heard his own narrative of SrI rAmAyaNam from kuSa and lava, the children whom sIthAp pirAtti, daughter of SrI janakarAja, gave birth to, in order to uplift the entire world. That SrI rAma is today mercifully residing in thiruchchithra kUtam in thillai nagar. We, who have enjoyed narrative of such SrI rAma through all our senses, just like hanuman, will not consider even the nectar enjoyed by celestial entities as anything of consequence.

We will take up the 9th pAsuram of this decad, next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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