periya thirumozhi – 4.10.7 – oLLiya karumam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: periya thirumozhi >> Fourth centum >> Tenth decad << Previous Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction) No specific introduction. pAsuram oLLiya karumam seyvan enRu uNarndha mAvali vELviyil pukkuth  theLLiya kuRaLAy mUvadi koNdu thikkuRa vaLarndhavan kOyil aLLiyam pozhilvAy irundhu vAzh kuyilgaL ari ari enRavai azhaippa veLLiyAr vaNanga viraindhu … Read more

perumAL thirumozhi – 4th decad

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama: perumAL thirumozhi << Previous After getting the knowledge about emperumAn, after giving up on worldly pursuits, after getting the desire to experience emperumAn whose auspicious qualities have no parallel, after getting the desire to experience periya perumAL who has such auspicious qualities, kulaSEkhara AzhwAr … Read more

perumAL thirumozhi – 3.9 – angaiyAzhi aranganadi

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama: perumAL thirumozhi >> 3rd Decad << Previous avathArikai (Introduction) AzhwAr says that for those who learn this decad, there will be no hurdle in attaining emperumAn, and brings the decad to an end. angaiyAzhi aranganadiyiNaiththangu sindhaith thanip perum piththanAykongar kOn kulasEkaran sonna solingu vallavarkku … Read more