SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fourth Centum
In the previous decad AzhwAr said “We are unable to engage with emperumAn as we please”; emperumAn says “We who incarnated as SrI rAma, krishNa et al, have come and presented ourselves in thiruveLLiyangudi to engage with those who desire to interact with us as they please; hence, what is stopping you from interacting with us as you please?” and consoles AzhwAr. AzhwAr speaks about him and enjoys that, after being consoled. It is said in SrIvishNu purANa 2.6.48 “thadhEva kOpAya yatha: prasAdhAya cha jAyathE” (Same thing will cause anger sometime and joy at other times).
- pAsuram 1 – Aychchiyar azhaippa
- pAsuram 2 – Anirai mEyththu
- pAsuram 3 – kadu vidam
- pAsuram 4 – kaRavai mun
- pAsuram 5 – pArinai uNdu
- pAsuram 6 – kARRidai
- pAsuram 7 – oLLiya karumam
- pAsuram 8 – mudiyudai
- pAsuram 9 – kudi kudiyAga
- pAsuram 10 – paNdu mun
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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