perumAL thirumozhi – 3.6 – embaraththar allArodum

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 3rd Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr says in this pAsuram “Not only do I not mingle with the people of this world, I do not consider the wealth of dhEvalOkam (land inhabited by celestial entities) as material to be coveted. Irrespective of the number of births that I take, I will remain infatuated with emperumAn alone”.

embaraththar allArodum kUdalan
umbar vAzhvai onRagak karudhilan
thambirAn amararkku aranga nagar
embirAnukku ezhumaiyum piththanE


em baraththar allArodum – those who do not carry out service like I do [to emperumAn]
kUdalan – (I) will not mingle
umbar vAzhvai – the opulence of celestial entities
onRu Aga – as a material
karudhilan – will not consider
amararkku thambirAn – controller of nithyasUris (permanent dwellers of spiritual realm)
aranga nagar – one who has taken residence inside the temple
empirAnukku – in matters related to periya perumAL, my swAmy (lord)
ezhumaiyum – at all times
piththanE – will be infatuated

Simple Translation

I do not mingle with those who do not carry out service to emperumAn. I do not consider the opulence of celestial entities as anything worthwhile. I am infatuated, at all times, with my swAmy who has taken residence inside the temple in SrI rangam and who is the controller of nithyasUris.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

embaraththar allArodum kUdalan – AzhwAr refers to those who are like himself as embaraththar. I will not get attached to those who do not have a system of life similar to mine. nammAzhwAr had said in thiruviruththam 1 “inninRa nIrmai iniyAm uRAmai” (we do not wish to suffer all these sorrows which we have to endure once we are born); he had also said in thiruvAimozhi 3-3-1 “vazhuvilA adimai seyyavENdum nAm” (we wish to carry out faultless service (to emperumAn)). Thus, AzhwAr says that he does not have any attachment towards those who do not have detachment towards worldly pursuits and who do not engage in service for emperumAn.

umbar vAzhvai onRAgak kurudhilan – even if I not develop detachment towards samsAram and attachment towards bhagavath kainkaryam (service to emperumAn) and even if I were to get the wealth of brahmA et al, I will consider that to be equivalent to grass.

thambirAn amararkku – just as nammAzhwAr had mercifully said in thiruvAImozhi 1-1-1 “ayarvaRum amarargaL adhipathi” (the lord of nithyasUris who do not have any ennui), he is the lord of nithyasUris too.

aranganagar empirAnukku – to ensure that the enjoyment which the nithyasUris experience is not denied to samsAris, emperumAn has taken residence in the huge temple inside SrI rangam, as the epitome of simplicity.

ezhumaiyum piththanE – irrespective of the number of births that I have, I will be infatuated to that emperumAn, being won over by his simplicity.

We will take up the 7th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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