periya thirumozhi – 4.10.2 – Anirai mEyththu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Fourth centum >> Tenth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


Anirai mEyththu anRu alai kadal adaiththittu arakkar tham sirangaLai uruttik
kAr niRai mEgam kalandhadhOr uruvak kaNNanAr karudhiya kOyil
pUniraich cherundhi punnai muththarumbip podhumbidai varivaNdu miNdith
thEn iraiththuNdu angu innisai muralum thiruveLLiyangudi adhuvE

Word-by-Word meanings

Anirai – herds of cows
mEyththu – being the one who protected
anRu – during SrI rAmAvathAram
alai – tides striking
kadal – ocean
adaiththittu – building bridge
arakkar tham – strong rAkshasas’
sirangaLai – heads
urutti – one who severed
kAr – in rainy season
nirai – dense
mEgam kalandhu – matching a cloud
Or – unique
uruvam – who is having a form
kaNNanAr – krishNa
karudhiya – desirously living
kOyil – dhivyadhESam is
nirai – in bunches
pU – flowering
serundhi – serundhi trees’ (a type of sedge)
arumbi – sprouting (and growing further)
muththu – having pearls
punnai – punnai trees’ (mast-wood)
podhumbu – holes
idai – in the middle
vari – having stripes (beautiful)
vaNdu – beetles
miNdi – being closely together
thEn – honey
iraiththu – making noise
uNdu – consumed
angu – there itself
in – sweetly
isai – song
muralum – humming
thiruveLLiyangudi adhuvE – it is thiruveLLiyangudi

Simple translation

krishNa protected the herds of cows; during SrI rAmAvathAram, he severed the heads of the strong rAkshasas after building a bridge on the ocean with tides striking; he is having a unique form which is matching a dense cloud in the rainy season; the dhivyadhESam where he desirously lives is thiruveLLiyangudi which has striped beetles remaining closely together, consuming the honey and humming the sweet songs there in the middle of the holes of serundhi trees which are blossoming and punnai trees which are sprouting pearls.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

Anirai … – Protecting the cows, building bridge across the bewildered ocean, severing the heads of rAkshasas who have become strong by the boons.

kAr nirai … – krishNa who is having the form which resembles a fllled cloud in the rainy season. The divine abode where he is considering in his divine heart “This is the apt place to protect all”.

pU nirai … – serundhi trees which are blossoming bunches of flowers and punnai trees which are sprouting pearls. In the holes in these trees, beautiful beetles are present closely with each other, drinking honey with great noise just as the venerable monkeys which entered the madhuvanam, and are humming due to the drink which does not let them remain calm – they are singing out of their will.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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