SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Ninth decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
minnanaiya nuNmarungul melliyaRkA ilangai
vEndhan mudi orupadhum thOL irubadhum pOy udhira
thannigaril silai vaLaiththu anRu ilangai podi seydha
thadandhOLan magizhndhu inidhu maruvi uRai kOyil
sennelodu sengamalam sEl kayalgaL vALai
sengazhunIrodu midaindhu kazhani thigazhndhu engum
mannu pugazh vEdhiyargaL maliveydhu nAngUr
vaigundha viNNagaram vaNangu mada nenjE!
Word-by-Word meanings
anRu – At that time
min anaiya – matching a lightning
nuN marungul – slender waist
melliyaRkA – for pirAtti who is tender-natured
ilangai vEndhan – rAvaNa, who is the leader of lankA, his
mudi oru padhum – ten heads which have shining crowns
thOL irupadhum – twenty arms
pOy udhira – to have them break into hundreds of pieces
nigar il – matchless
than silai vaLaiththu – launching his tall bow, kOdhaNdam
ilangai – lankA
podi seydha – one who turned [it] to dust
thadam thOLan – mighty shouldered chakravarthith thirumagan
magizhndhu – with joy
inidhu – to be sweet for the devotees
maruvi uRai kOyil – eternally residing without any other expectation
sen nelodu – red paddy crops
sem kamalam – reddish lotus flowers
sEl vayalgaL vALai – sEl fish, kayal fish and vALai fish
sengazhunIrodu – with sengazhunIr flowers
midaindhu – together
kazhani engum – in all the fertile fields
thigazhndhu – shining
mannu pugazh – having eternal fame
vEdhiyargaL – brAhmaNas
malivu eydhum – having [them] densely residing in all the streets
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
vaigundha viNNagaram – vaigundha viNNagaram
vaNangu – worship
mada nenjE – Oh humble heart!
Simple translation
At that time, mighty shouldered chakravarthith thirumagan made the ten heads which have shining crowns and twenty arms of rAvaNa, who is the leader of lankA, to break into hundreds of pieces and turned lankA into dust by launching his matchless, tall bow, kOdhaNdam for the tender-natured pirAtti who is having a slender waist; he is joyfully and eternally residing without any other expectation, to be sweet for his devotees, in vaigundha viNNagaram in thirunAngUr. Oh humble heart! Worship such abode where red paddy crops, reddish lotus flowers and sEl fish, kayal fish and vALai fish, along with sengazhunIr flowers are shining together in all the fertile fields and eternally famous brAhmaNas are densely residing in all the streets.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
min anaiya … – For the sake of pirAtti who is of tender nature and who is having slender waist like a lightning, the one who has mighty shoulders launched his matchless bow (even if he has a match, his bow has no match) to sever the ten heads and twenty arms of rAvaNa, the king of lanka, and turn them into dust. The abode which is pleasing due to his loving presence there, as if the task which was done for pirAtti was for everyone.
sem nel … – This is how all the fertile fields look like, in there. With red paddy crops, lotus, sEl fish, kayal fish, vALai fish and sengazhunIr, all of these remain together in a shining manner, in all the fields.
mannu pugazh … – This is how the land regions look like in there. The abode where eternally famous brAhmaNas are residing. This is how the town and the fields are in there.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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