SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Eighth decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
AzhwAr says “Oh heart! krishNa, who enjoyed endless union with the girls from thiruvAyppAdi, is mercifully standing in thirumaNimAdak kOyil. You go and enjoy him there”.
thuLaiyAr karumen kuzhal Aychchiyar tham
thugil vAriyum siRRil sidhaiththum muRRA
iLaiyAr viLaiyAttodu kAdhal veLLam
viLaiviththa ammAnidam vEl nedungaN
muLaivAL eyiRRu madavAr payiRRu
mozhi kEttu irundhu mudhirAdha insol
vaLaivAya kiLLai maRai pAdu nAngUr
maNimAdak kOyil vaNangu en mananE!
Word-by-Word meanings
thuLai Ar – Having big hole (due to the curls)
karu men kuzhal – having black, soft hair
Aychchiyar tham – the cowherd girls’
thugil vAriyum – stealing their clothes
siRRil sidhaiththum – destroying their small (play) houses
muRRA iLaiyAr – not attained youth
viLaiyAttodu – the childish sports with such girls who are in their childhood
kAdhal veLLam – ocean of love (for them)
viLaiviththa – caused
ammAn idam – being the abode of sarvESvaran
mudhirAdha in sol – sweet words which are not hard
vaLai vAya – having curved mouth
kiLLai – parrots
vEl – sharp like spear
nedum kaN – wide eyes
muLai – in budding stage
vAL – having radiance
eyiRu – having teeth
madavAr – vaidhika girls
payiRRu – words from vEdham
kEttu irundhu – hearing those (subsequently as they chanted)
maRai pAdum – chanting vEdham
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
maNi mAdak kOyil – thirumaNimAdak kOyil
en mananE – Oh my heart!
vaNangu – surrender
Simple translation
sarvESvaran played childish sports with cowherd girls who are having black, soft hair with big holes (due to the curls), who are in their childhood and not attained youth yet, caused ocean of love for them towards him. Oh my heart! Surrender unto such emperumn in the abode thirumaNimAdak kOyil in thirunAngUr where the parrots, having sweet words which are not hard and curved mouth, chant words from vEdham after hearing them from the vaidhika girls who are having wide eyes which are sharp like spear and radiant teeth which are in budding stage.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
thuLaiyAr karu men kuzhal Aychchiyar tham – thuLaiyAr – having lot of holes. That is, having curly, black, soft hair, the cowherd girls, who are at the [very young] age, will bathe in the river, placing their clothes on the banks. It can also be said as “thuLaiyA niRkiRa” (those who are playing).
thugil vAriyum siRRil sidhaiththum – Gathering all their clothes which were placed on the banks and climbing on the kurundha tree to be requested by them as in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 3.9 “masimaiyilee! kURai thArAy” (Oh shameless one! Give our clothes” and destroying their play houses as said in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 2.1 “thImai seyyum sirIdharA! engaL siRRil vandhu sidhaiyElE” (Oh who indulges in mischievous acts and who is the consort of SrI mahAlakshmi! Do not come to our place to destroy our little sand houses).
muRRA iLaiyAr viLaiyAttodu – Those who are at an age where they cannot be engaged in anything but playing. The age where youth is not yet manifested; the playing which occurred with them.
kAdhal … – The abode of sarvESvaran who caused an ocean of love in them towards him.
vEl nedum kaN … – The women who have spear like sharp, wide eyes, and budding, radiant teeth.
payiRRum mozhi kEttu irundhum – They would teach words like “Kiss me”, though the parrots have heard those words.
mudhirAdha … – The parrot has soft, sweet words since their tone has not matured, and curved mouth .
maRai pAdum – It will chant the vEdhams which it is used to; since the residents of the town keep reciting vEdhams these parrots are also used to them; hence it is said that as they are chanting, these parrots are also chanting. Alternatively – since these girls are daughters of teachers who teach vEdham, these girls chant the words from vEdham and the parrots repeat the same.
mudhirAdha in sol – The speech of the parrots are [youthful and hence] unlike that of those who teach vEdham; such thirunAngUr.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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