periya thirumozhi – 3.4.4 – panjiya melladi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Fourth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


panjiya melladip pinnai thiRaththu munnAL
pAyvidaigaL Ezhadarththup ponnan paimbUN
nenjidandhu kurudhiyuga ugir vElANda
ninmalan thAL aNaigiRpIr! neela mAlaith
thanjudaiya iruL thazhaippath tharaLam AngE
thaN madhiyin nilAk kAttap pavaLam thannAl
senjudar veyil virikkum azhagAr kAzhich
chIrAma viNNagarE sErmin nIrE

Word-by-Word meanings

panjiya – like fresh cotton
mel adi – having tender, divine feet
pinnai thiRaththu – for nappinnaip pirAtti
mun nAL – previously
pAy – jumping on whoever seen
Ezh vidaigaL – seven bulls
adarththu – killed
ponnan – hiraNyan’s
paimbUN – (filled with) well decorated ornaments
nenju – chest
idandhu – tore
kurudhi – blood
uga – to splash out
ugir vEl – the nails which are like spear
ANda – used
ninmalan – the pure emperumAn’s
thAL – divine feet
aNaigiRpIr – Oh you who desire to attain!
neelam – blue gems (placed on the mansions)
mAlai – the evening time
thanju udaiya – having as refuge
iruL – darkness
thazhaippa – to increase
Angu – placed in certain spots
tharaLam – pearls
thaN – cool
madhiyin – moon’s
nilA – rays
kAtta – as they show
pavaLam – corals
thannAl – since they are placed in certain spots
senjudar – sun
veyil – rays
virikkum – as it spreads
azhagu Ar – having beauty (caused by these)
kAzhi – in the town of kAzhi
sIrAma viNNagarE – SrIrAma viNNagaram
nIr – you
sErmin – surrender

Simple translation

Previously, for the sake of nappinnaip pirAtti who is having fresh cotton like tender, divine feet, emperumAn killed the seven bulls which were jumping on whoever seen; he tore hiraNyan’s chest which was well decorated with ornaments with his nails which are like spear, to splash out the blood; oh you who desire to attain such pure emperumAn’s divine feet! You surrender unto SrIrAma viNNagaram in the town of kAzhi, where more beauty is acquired as the blue gems placed on the mansions would increase darkness which has the evening time as its refuge and as the pearls which are placed in certain spots on the mansions, show the rays of the cool moon and as the corals which are placed in certain spots on the mansions, spread the rays of the sun.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

panjiya … – Previously, for nappinnaip pirAtti who is having fresh cotton like tender, divine feet, emperumAn killed the seven bulls which were jumping on whoever seen; he effortlessly tore hiraNya’s chest which was decorated with ornaments and caused the blood to splash out; while doing so, instead of sending his representatives or his weapons, he killed the enemy of his devotee with the nails in his hands which are like spear and hence acquired purity [by such act of directly helping his devotee]; oh you who desire to attain such emperumAn’s divine feet!

neelam … – The blue gems placed on the mansions would increase darkness which has the evening time as its refuge;  the pearls which are placed in certain spots on the mansions, show the rays of the cool moon; the corals which are placed in certain spots on the mansions will spread the rays of the sun. In this manner, the divine abode became enjoyable due to having darkness, moon-rise and sunshine at the same time.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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