periya thirumozhi – 3.3.8 – pongi amaril

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Third decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


pongi amaril orugAl pon peyarOnai veruva
angu avan Agam aLaindhittu AyirandhOL ezhundhAda
paingaN iraNdu eri kAnRa nINda eyiRRodu pEzhvAy
singa uruvil varuvAn chiththira kUdaththu uLLAnE

Word-by-Word meanings

oru kAl – when hiraNya showed his anger on prahlAdhan
amaril – in battle
pon peyarOnai – hiraNya
veruva – to frighten him
pongi – rose (showed his anger)
angu – there
avan Agam – his body
aLaindhittu – tore
Ayiram thOL ezhundhu Ada – danced, revealing his thousand divine shoulders
eri kAnRa – spitting fire
pai – greenish
iraNdu kaN – two eyes
nINda –  sharp
eyiRu – teeth
pEzh – huge
vAy – having mouth
singa uruvil – being in the form of narasimha
varuvAn – one who comes
chiththirakUdaththu – in thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam
uLLAn – is eternally residing.

Simple translation

When hiraNya showed his anger on prahlAdhan, to frighten him in the battle, emperumAn rose and tore his body there; he danced, revealing his thousand divine shoulders and was having two greenish eyes which were spitting fire and huge mouth with sharp teeth; emperumAn who comes as such narasimha is eternally residing in thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pongi … – Same as simple translation.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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