periya thirumozhi – 3.2.5 – kOmanga vanga

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


kOmanga vangak kadal vaiyam uyyak kulamannar angam mazhuvil thuNiya
thAm angu amaruL padai thotta venRith thavamA muniyaith thamakkAkkagiRpIr!
pUmangai thangip pulamangai mannip pugazh mangai engum thigazhap pugazh sEr
sEmangoL paimpUmpozhil sUzhndha thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam senRu sErmingaLE

Word-by-Word meanings

kO – kings
manga – to be destroyed
vangam – boats (filled)
kadal – surrounded by ocean
vaiyam – those residents of earth
uyya – to be liberated
kula mannar – kings’
angam – body
mazhu – by the axe
thuNiya – to sever
thAm – himself
angu – occurred at that time
amaruL – entering the battle
padai thotta – took up arms
venRi – one who has victory
thavam – went to perform penance subsequently
mAmuniyai – SrI paraSurAmAzhwAn, the great sage
AkkagiRpIr – you who desire to own him!
pU mangai – periya pirAttiyAr
thangi – residing (on his divine chest)
pula mangai – SrI bhUmip pirAtti
manni – remaining firmly (on his left side) (due to that)
pugazh – fame
mangai – woman
engum – everywhere
thigazha – shining radiantly
pugazh sEr – having fame
sEmam koL – having protection
paim pUm pozhil sUzhndha – surrounded by vast, blossomed garden
thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam – thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam
senRu sErmingaL – go and reach.

Simple translation

Oh you who are desirous to own SrI paraSurAmAzhwAn, the great sage who wanted to destroy the kings and to liberate the residents of the earth which is surrounded by ocean filled with boats, who took up arms and entered the battle which was occurring at that time to sever the body of the kings with his axe, and became victorious and subsequently went to perform penance! Go and reach thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam where periya pirAttiyAr is residing on his chest and SrI bhUmip pirAtti is firmly remaining on his left side and the woman, who is an embodiment of his fame, is shining radiantly, and which is surrounded by famous, protected, vast, blossomed garden.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

kO manga … – To have everyone claiming to be kings destroyed and to have the residents of the earth, which is surrounded by ocean, liberated, SrI paraSurAmAzhwAn without minimising his anger, while severing the bodies of the kings with his axe, took up arms and was having great valour; oh you who are desiring to own him!

pU mangai … – periya pirAttiyAr and SrI bhUmip pirAttiyAr are eternally residing with him, and his fame which is visualised as a woman, is shining everywhere; thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam which has fame and protection.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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