periya thirumozhi – 2.9.4 – aNdamum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Second centum >> Ninth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


aNdamum eNdhisaiyum nilanum
malai nIrodu vAn erikAl mudhalA
uNdavan endhai pirAnadhu idam
oLi mAdangaL sUzhndhu azhagAya kachchi
viNdavar iNdaik kuzhAmudanE
viraindhAr iriyach cheruvil munindhu
paNdu orukAl vaLaiththAn paNindha
paramEchchura viNNagaram adhuvE

Word-by-Word meanings

aNdamum – oval shaped universes
eNdhisaiyum – eight directions
nilanum – earth
alai – rising waves
nIrodu – oceans
vAn – sky
eri – fire
kAl – air
mudhalA – etc
uNdavan – one who mercifully consumed
endhai pirAnadhu – for one who is my clan’s lord
idam – abode
oLi – shining
mAdangaL – by mansions
sUzhndhu – surrounded
azhagAya – beautiful
kachchi – in kAnchIpuram town
seruvil – in battle
viraindhArudanE – with those who rushed towards
viNdavar – of the enemies
iNdai – gathered
kuzhAm – crowd
iriya – to break and disperse
munindhu – showed anger
paNdu orukAl – previously
vaLaiththAn – pallava king who launched his bow
paNindha – surrendered
paramEchchura viNNagaram – paramESvara viNNagaram

Simple translation

The abode of my clan’s lord who mercifully consumed oval shaped universes, eight directions, earth, oceans with rising waves, sky, fire, air etc is paramESvara viNNagaram in the beautiful kAnchIpuram town which is surrounded by shining mansions; pallava king who surrendered to such emperumAn, previously showed his anger and launched his bow to break and disperse the gathered crowd of enemies and those who rushed towards him in the battle there.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

aNdamum … – Oval shaped universe, eight directions, earth, those which are the cause and which are the effect were kept in his stomach and were protected by him.

endhai pirAnadhu idam – He is the lord of my father. Implies, the lord of our clan.

oLi … – In kAnchIpuram which is surrounded by gem-studded, shining mansions.

viNdavar … – seruvil – in battle; viraindhavar – those who approach with great force, raising the dust from the ground and approaching saying “Show us! Show us!”

With them,

viNdavar iNdaik kuzhAm iriya – To make the dense crowd of enemies to break and run away.

munindhu – Showing anger.

paNdu … – Surrendered by the one who previously, launched his bow.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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