periya thirumozhi – 2.5.4 – pEyth thAyai

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Second centum >> Fifth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


pEyth thAyai mulai uNda piLLai thannaip piNai maruppiR karungaLiRRaip piNai mAn nOkkil
Ayth thAyar thayir veNNey amarndha kOvai andhaNar tham amudhaththai kuravai munnE
kOththAnai kudamAdu kUththan thannaik kOkulangaL thaLarAmal kunRam Endhik
kAththAnai emmAnaik kaNdu koNdEn kadipozhil sUzh kadalmallaith thalasayanaththE

Word-by-Word meanings

thAy – in the disguise of mother
pEyai – pUthanA’s
mulai – bosom
uNda – mercifully consumed
piLLai thannai – being a child
piNai – joined to each other
maruppil – tusk’s
karu – dark
kaLiRRai – one who is similar to an elephant
mAn piNai – like a doe
nOkkil – having eyes
AyththAyar – yaSOdha, the cowherd mother, her
thayir – curd
veNNey – mercifully consuming the butter
amarndha – sustained himself
kOvai – being the controller
andhaNar tham – for brAhmaNas
amudhaththai – one who is enjoyable like nectar
munnE – previously
kuravai kOththAnai – one who held the hands of the girls and played with them (further)
kudam Adu – one who danced with pots
kUththan thannai – having grand activities (when indhra rained due to anger of hunger)
kOkulangaL – herds of cows
thaLarAmal – to not suffer
kunRam – gOvardhana hill
Endhi – held
kAththAnai – one who protected
emmAnai – sarvESvaran who enslaved us
kadi – fragrant
pozhil – by garden
sUzh – surrounded
thalasayanaththu – in sthala sayanam (where he rests on the ground)
kadal mallai – in thirukkadalmallai
nAn kaNdadhu – I got to see

Simple translation

Being a child, emperumAn mercifully consumed the bosom of pUthanA who came in the disguise of his mother; being the controller, krishNa who looks like a dark elephant with joined tusks mercifully consumed the curd and butter of yaSOdha, the cowherd mother, who is having eyes similar to that of a doe, and sustained himself; he is enjoyable for brAhmaNas, like nectar; previously he held the hands of the girls and played with them, danced with pots and had grant activities; he held the gOvardhana hill and protected the cows to not let them suffer; I got to see such sarvESvaran, who enslaved us, in sthala sayanam in thirukkadalmallai, which is surrounded by fragrant garden.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pEyth thAyai mulai uNda piLLai thannai – When the ghostly pUthanA assumed the form of his mother, he showed her the same affection he would show to his mother and consumed her bosom; one who is having such childish attitude.

piNai … – One who is having sweet activities like that of a dark elephant which is having joined tusks. By saying “piNai maruppu” – AzhwAr indicates his prideful/strong roaming around.

piNai … – There is the cowherd mother who has doe like eyes – yaSOdhA. Mercifully consuming the butter and curd which was prepared personally by her, he enslaved the entire world by sustaining himself with the materials that were touched by his devotees.

andhaNar tham amudhaththai – One who is the sustenance for brAhmaNa clan by such deeds.

kuravai … – One who manifested this act of dancing with the girls, which are only to be revealed to a few, to everyone.

kudamAdi … – Not just to be seen by a few in this manner, he manifested this dance with pots to everyone. One who protected the herds of cows from suffering in the rain, by plucking a hill which was present in front of him.

emmAnai – One who exclusively enslaved me by showing his saviourship.

kaNdu … – AzhwAr is saying “I came to know that he is the protector; is there any grievance for me?”

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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