periya thirumozhi – 2.4.9 – pEsum aLavanRu

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


pEsum aLavanRu idhu vammin namar! piRar kEtpadhan mun paNivAr vinaigaL
nAsamadhu seydhidumAdhanmaiyAl adhuvE namadhu uyvidam nALmalar mEl
vAsamaNi vaNdaRai paimbuRavil manamaindhodu naindhuzhalvAr madhiyil
nIsaravar senRu adaiyAdhavanukku idam mAmalaiyAvadhu nIrmalaiyE

Word-by-Word meanings

idhu – the greatness of this bhagavath vishayam
pEsum aLavu anRu – cannot be fully spoken of by us
namar – Oh our people! (this best principle)
piRar – atheists
kEtpadhan mun – before hearing
vammin – come;
adhu – that bhagavath vishayam
paNivAr – those who worship, their
vinaigaL – sins
nAsam seydhidum – will destroy;
AdhanmaiyAl – thus
adhuvE – that bhagavath vishayam alone
namadhu – our
uyvu idam – the abode of uplifting;
manam – heart
aindhodu – going towards Sabdha (sound), sparSa (touch), rUpa (form), rasa (taste) and gandha (smell)
naindhu – being weakened
uzhalvAr – being those who suffer
madhiyil – ignorant
nIsaravar – for lowly persons
senRu adaiyAdhavanukku – one who is difficult to reach
idamAvadhu – the abode
nAL – freshly blossomed
malarmEl – due to being spread on flower
vAsam – fragrant
aNi – beautiful
vaNdu – beetles
aRai – humming
pai – vast
puRavil – having surroundings
mA malaiyAna nIr malai – the best hill, thirunIrmalai.

Simple translation

Oh our people! The greatness of this bhagavath vishayam cannot be fully spoken of by us. Before the atheists hear this, you come to us. This will destroy the sins of those who worship it. Thus, this bhagavath vishayam alone is our abode of being uplifted. The abode of bhagavAn who is difficult to be reached by those ignorant, lowly persons whose hearts are weakened by going towards Sabdha (sound), sparSa (touch), rUpa (form), rasa (taste) and gandha (smell) and are suffering, is the best hill, thirunIrmalai which has vast surroundings where beautiful beetles which are fragrant due to being spread on freshly blossomed flowers, are humming.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pEsum aLavu anRu idhu – In matters other than bhagavath vishayam since there is nothing great to speak about, nothing can be said about them; in bhagavath vishayam, nothing can be said due to the indescribable nature of the same.

vammin namar – All those who are related to us! Please come.

piRar kEtpadhan mun – Before those who are unrelated to this principle, hear the same. This cannot be said to those who are unqualified as said in SrI bhagavath gIthA 18.68ya idham paramam guhyam” (… this SAsthram which is most confidential) and in SrI bhagavath gIthA 18.67idham thE nAthapaskAya” (this SAsthram should not be told to you, to one who has not performed penance); at the same time it should be instructed to those who are qualified – both aspects are present.

paNivAr – emperumAn will eradicate the sins of those who fall at his divine feet and surrender unto him, along with the traces.

adhu … – It will do the most difficult tasks as said in vishNu dharmam 78 “dhurvyAdhiriva naSyathi” (sins will leave just as bad diseases will leave when attended by a doctor). Due to being in this manner, such bhagavath vishayam is the abode of upliftment for us.

nAL malar thUy – If recited in this manner, those who offer fresh flowers and serve.

nAL malar mEl – If recited in this manner, fragrant beetles being spread on fresh flowers; the great hill which has surroundings where such beetles are humming.

manam …aindhodu – manam – naindhuzhalvAr – the one who cannot be reached by lowly persons who have their heart being desirous of Sabdha etc and being weakened due to that and are ignorant.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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