periya thirumozhi – 2.3.2 – vEdhaththai

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


vEdhaththai vEdhaththin suvaip payanai vizhumiya munivar vizhungum
kOdhil in kaniyai nandhanAr kaLiRRaik kuvalayaththOr thozhudhEththum
Adhiyai amudhai ennai ALudai appanai oppavarillA
mAdhargaL vAzhum mAdamA mayilaith thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE

Word-by-Word meanings

vEdhaththai – one who has vEdham as his wealth
suvai – matching the taste (of the devotees)
vEdhaththin – for karmAnushtAnams [observance of deeds] mentioned in vEdham
payanai – being the one who bestows the results
vizhumiya – great
munivar – sages such as sanaka et al
vizhungum – enjoying
kOdhu il – faultless
in – sweet
kaniyai – very enjoyable like a fruit
nandhanAr – for SrI nandhagOpa
kaLiRRai – being the one who is enjoyable like an elephant calf
kuvalayaththOr – residents of earth
thozhudhu – surrendered
Eththum – praising
Adhiyai – the cause of the universe
amudhai – sweet like nectar
ennai ALudai – who enslaved me
appanai – benefactor
oppavar – matching
illA – not having
mAdhargaL – women
vAzhum – living
mAdam – having mansions
mA – rich
mayilai – having mylApUr as capital
thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE – I got to see in thiruvallikkENi

Simple translation

emperumAn has vEdham as his wealth; he is the one who bestows the results for karmAnushtAnams mentioned in vEdham matching the taste of the devotees; he is very enjoyable like a faultless, sweet fruit, who is enjoyed by great sages such as sanaka et al; he is enjoyable like an elephant calf for SrI nandhagOpa; he is the cause of the universe; he is surrendered unto and praised by the residents of earth; he is sweet like nectar; he is the benefactor who enslaved me; I got see such emperumAn in thiruvallikkENi, which is part of the region having rich mylApUr as the capital city, having mansions where matchless women are living.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

vEdhaththai – One who is having vEdham which gives good advice to everyone as said in SrI bhagavath gIthA 2.45thraiguNya vishayA vEdhA:” (vEdhams which are focussed on the well-being of the ones having the three qualities), as his wealth.

vEdhaththin suvaip payanai … – One who bestows results for those who perform the karmas (actions) mentioned in vEdham, with sathva (goodness), rajO (passion) and thamO (ignorance) guNam (qualities), according to their taste. One who is greatly enjoyable for sanaka et al who are focussed on brahmam only, unlike those who are in karma bhAvanA (focussed on karmam only) or ubhaya bhAvanA (focussed on both karmam and brahmam).

nandhanAr kaLiRRai – One who is very enjoyable for SrI nandhagOpa due to his super-human activities.

kuvalayaththOr … – As said in chAndhOgya upanishath “kAraNam thu dhyEya:” (meditate upon the origin/cause), one who is the cause of the universe, to be worshipped by the residents of the universe.

amudhai … – The attainable goal for them. The benefactor who enslaved me who is lower than even such worldly people.

oppavar illA … – Since this dhivyadhESam has prime importance for pirAtti as said in mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi 16oruvallithth thAmaraiyAL onRiya sIr mArvan” (one who has beautiful divine heart in which pirAtti who has the incomparable lotus flower which has beautiful petals as her dwelling place, fitted nicely), the women of this town are associates of such pirAtti. As said in SrIvishNu purANam 1.8.35 “nAnayOr vidhyathE param” (There is nothing greater than the divine couple), her wealth and ISvara’s wealth remain as two parts. mylApUr is the name of the city [which has thiruvallikkENi inside it]

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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