periya thirumozhi – 1.8.7 – pArum nIr

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> First centum >> Eighth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


pArum nIr eri kARRinOdu AgAsamum ivai AyinAn
pErum Ayiram pEsa ninRa piRappili perugum idam
kArum vAr pani nIL visumbidaich chOrumAmugil thOythara
sErum vAr pozhil sUzh ezhil thiruvEngadam adai nenjamE!

Word-by-Word meanings

pArum – earth
nIr – water
eri – fire
kARRinOdu – with air
AgAyamum – ether
ivai – these five elements
AyinAn – one who remains as
Ayiram pErum – thousand divine names
pEsa – to recite and surrender
ninRa – being the one who is eternally residing
piRappili – sarvESvaran who is without a birth
perugum – growing
idam – abode is
kArum – clouds
vAr pani – lot of mist
nIL visumbu idai – in the great sky
sOrum – to pour
mAmugil – huge clouds
thOy thara – to rest
sEru – matching
vAr – lengthy
pozhil – by garden
sUzh – being surrounded
ezhil – beautiful
thiruvEngadam – thirumalA
adai nenjamE – Oh mind! Reach there.

Simple translation

sarvESvaran who is without a birth, who remains as the five elements namely earth, water, fire, air and ether, is eternally residing [for devotees] to recite the thousand names and to surrender unto him; the beautiful thirumalA is the abode where he grows, where clouds and lot of mist are pouring in the great sky and which is surrounded by lengthy gardens where clouds can rest. Oh mind! Reach there.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pAr … – Since AzhwAr speaks about the pancha bhUthams (five elements), he implies bhagavAn’s universal form where he has the entire universe as his form. One who stands to be surrendered to by everyone, by reciting his divine names with the body he has bestowed.

piRappili perugum idam – The abode of sarvESvaran who is not bound by karma, distinguished from everyone else, not limited to the universal form.

kAr … – As the clouds and lot of mist are pouring in the sky, the lengthy gardens are able to have the huge clouds resting on them; thiruvEngadam being surrounded by such gardens. Alternative explanation – the clouds which have abundant water are pouring in the sky.

When recited as sErum, it means “reaching to touch”.  Being surrounded by such beautiful gardens which are touched by the clouds. kArum – growing. vAr – abundance.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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