periya thirumozhi – 1.6.8 – EvinAr kaliyAr

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> First centum >> Sixth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


EvinAr kaliyAr naligavenRu en mEl
enganE vAzhumARu? aivar
kOvinAr seyyum kodumaiyai madiththEn
kuRungudi nedungadal vaNNA!
pAvinAr insol panmalar koNdu un
pAdhamE paravi nAn paNindhu en
nAvinAl vandhu un thiruvadi adaindhEn
naimisAraNiyaththuL endhAy! 

Word-by-Word meanings

kuRungudi – one who mercifully resides in thirukkuRungudi
nedu – vast and deep
kadal – the ocean’s
vaNNA – having beautiful form with such complexion!
naimisAriNayaththul endhAy – Oh my lord, who is residing in SrI naimaiSAraNiyam!
kaliyAr – age of kali
naliga enRu – saying “torment him”
en mEl – on me
aivar – the five senses
EvinAr – sent;
vAzhum ARu enganE – How will those senses survive?
kOvinAr seyyum – to be done by those popular five senses
kodumaiyai – cruel acts
madiththEn – driving away
en nAvinAl – with my tongue
pA – with good meters
Ar – filled
in sol – sweet words
pal malar – many flowers
koNdu – earned
paravi – hailed
un pAdhamE paNindhu – falling at your highness’ divine feet
un thiruvadi nAn adaindhEn – I surrendered at your divine feet.

Simple translation

Oh one who mercifully resides in thirukkuRungudi and is having beautiful form with the complexion of the vast and deep ocean! Oh my lord, who is residing in SrI naimaiSAraNiyam! The age of kali sent the senses on me saying “torment him”. How will those senses survive? I earned [made] the flowers of sweet words filled with good meters and hailed and surrendered at your divine feet falling at those divine feet, and drove away the cruel acts to be done by those popular senses.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

  • EvinAr kaliyAr – Since AzhwAr is fearful of kali yuga he is calling it “kaliyAr” in a respectful way. kaliyAr sent the five senses saying “torment him”.
  • enganE vAzhumARu – How will those survive now?

When asked “What will happen when they are sent to torment you?” AzhwAr says,

  • aivar … – Senses are subservient to mind and should follow mind’s orders; instead the senses started dominating the mind; I eliminated the cruel acts of those senses.

When asked “With whose help did you eliminate those senses?” AzhwAr says,

  • kuRungudi nedum kadal vaNNA – Since you arrived in thirukkuRungudi with your rejuvenating divine form.
  • pAvinAr … – With beautiful words in the form of many flowers, filled with good tunes, I incoherently praised and fell at your divine feet.
  • en nAvinAl – With my tongue which [previously] spoke that which will lead to disaster only.
  • naimisAraNiyaththuL endhAy – You who are to be praised, arrived in SrI naimiSAraNyam to be the object of my praises.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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