periya thirumozhi – thaniyan 4

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:   SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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thaniyan mercifully composed by embAr

engaL gadhiyE irAmAnusa muniyE
sangai keduththANda thavarAsA – pongu pugazh
mangaiyarkOn Indha maRai Ayiaram anaiththum
thangumanam nI enakkuth thA

Word-by-word meanings

engaL – for us
gadhiyE – oh one who is refuge!
irAmAnusa muniyE – Oh one who is named rAmAnuja and is always meditating (upon the protection of AthmAs)
sangai – doubts in vEdha SAsthram
keduththu – eliminated
ANda – accepted the service (of all)
thavam – for yathis who are deeply engaged in penance
rAsA – oh one who is the king!
pongu – great
pugazh – having fame
mangaiyar – for the residents of thirumangai
kOn – AzhwAr, the king
Indha – mercifully spoken
maRai – in the form of vEdham
Ayiram – periya thirumozhi in the count of [approximately] thousand pAsurams
anaiththum – other prabandhams
thangum – to behold
manam – heart
enakku – for this servitor
nI – your highness
thA – should mercifully grant

Simple translation

Oh one who is our refuge! Oh one who is named rAmAnuja and is always meditating! Oh one who is the king of yathis who are deeply engaged in penance, who eliminated the doubts in vEdha SAsthram and who accepted the service of all! Your highness should mercifully grant me, this servitor, the heart to behold periya thirumozhi in the count of [approximately] thousand pAsurams and other prabandhams which were mercifully spoken in the form of vEdham by thirumangai AzhwAr, the king of the greatly famous residents of thirumangai.

Introduction to vyAkyAnam

Now, just as this AzhwAr, udaiyavar too won over the bAhya (those who reject vEdham) and kudhrushti (those who misinterpret vEdham) philsophers and conducted the vaidhika mArgam, rejuvenated the dhivyadhESams and nurtured the divine words of AzhwAr which speak about the aforementioned aspects; considering this, it is being prayed to emperumAnAr that he should bestow the favour to behold AzhwAr’s thousand pAsurams in the heart.

Highlights from piLLai lOkam jIyar’s vyAkyAnam

  • engaL gadhiyE – Oh refuge for us who are without refuge.
  • irAmAnusa muniyE – One who is having the divine name which is having four syllables as said in uththara dhinacharyA “chathurakshari” (four syllable name) and is the cause for liberation only, and is meditating upon protection of AthmAs.
  • sangai keduththANda – One who established vEdha SAsthram without any doubt as said in SrI bhagavath gIthA 6.39Ethan mE samSayam krishNa chEththum arhasyaSeshatha: | thvadhanya: samSayasyAsya chEththA na hyupapadhyathE ||” (Oh krishNa! Please clear this doubt of mine fully; none other than you is qualified to clear this doubt) and in rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi 65 “thaththuva nUl kUzhaRRadhu“, eliminated the doubts in the mind and engaged everyone in service.
  • thavarAsA – yathirAja! Alternatively, thavam means SaraNAgathi dharmam, and saying “One who nurtures the path of SaraNAgathi”. periya thirumozhi 5.6.7 “thavaneRi” (path of SaraNAgathi).
  • pongu pugazh … – periya thirumozhi prabandham fully, which has the count of thousand pAsurams, of AzhwAr, the leader of the very famous thirumangai. Alternatively, “Ayiram anaiththum” implies periya thirumozhi and other prabandhams.
  • thangum manam nI enakkuth thA – You should mercifully grant me the heart to behold the divine words as said in periya thirumozhi 7.10.10 “kaNNa ninRanakkum kuRippAgil kaRkalAm” (Oh krishNa! If you have the desire you can learn the meanings of these pAsurams too). emperumAnAr is glorified as in rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi 2 “kuRaiyal pirAn adikkIzh viLLAdha anban irAmAnusan” (rAmAnuja who has deep love at the divine feet of AzhwAr, who is the lord of thirukkuRaiyalUr), rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi 17neelanthanakku ulagil iniyAn” (Our lord, rAmAnuja is very affectionate towards thirumangai AzhwAr.), rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi 88kali mikka sennel kazhanik kuRaiyal kalaip perumAn oli mikka pAdalai uNdu than uLLam thadiththu” (thirumangai AzhwAr is the head of thirukkuRaiyalUr which has fields in which abundant reddish paddy is cultivated with the tumultuous noise of agricultural work and has the greatness of composing divine prabandhams (hymns) which reflect the meanings of SAsthras. emperumAnAr is the powerful lion who enjoyed that thirumangai AzhwAr’s thirumozhi (divine verses) with musical notes and had his divine mind puffed up [in pride]); hence emperumAnAr is being prayed here.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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