thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 41 – 50

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Forty first pAsuram  – (kaiyArum chakkaraththOn…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of becoming awe-struck seeing the causeless acceptance of AzhwAr by sarvESvaran to make AzhwAr reform samsAris (materialistic people) and is mercifully explaining it.

kaiyArum chakkaraththOn kAdhal inRikkE irukkap
poyyAgap pEsum puRan uraikku – meyyAna
pERRai upagariththa pEr aruLin thanmaidhanaip
pORRinanE mARan polindhu

AzhwAr mercifully spoke in a shining manner saying “While there was no bhakthi [from me towards emperumAn] and I was speaking deceptively with mischievous words, he has great mercy to bestow true result to me!”

Forty second pAsuram –  (poliga poliga…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of performing mangaLASAsanam (well-wishes) to those who were reformed by his words in thiruvAimozhi 4.10onRum dhEvum” and reforming those who were not reformed, and is mercifully explaining it.

poliga poliga enRu pUmagaLkOn thoNdar
malivudhanaik kaNdugandhu vAzhththi – ulagil
thirundhAdhAr thammaith thiruththiya mARan sol
marundhAgap pOgum manamAsu

Seeing the abundant presence of the devotees of SrIman nArAyaNa, being joyful and performing mangaLASAsanam saying “Long live! Long live!”, AzhwAr mercifully reformed those who are not reformed in this world; having such AzhwAr’s SrIsUkthis as medicine, blemishes in the mind will be eliminated.

Forty third pAsuram -(mAsaRu sOdhi…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of performing madal due to not enjoying the physical beauty of emperumAn which was spoken about previously and is mercifully explaining it.

mAsaRu sOdhi kaNNan vandhu kalavAmaiyAl
Asai migundhu pazhikkanjAmal – EsaRavE
maNNil madal URa mARan orumiththAn
uNNadungath thAn piRandha Ur

AzhwAr set out to perform madal on this earth to cause trembling in the townspeople of the town in which was born, not fearing for the accusations and after having crossed the boundary of being scolded, as his love increased towards emperumAn who has unblemished splendour and who did not come and unite with AzhwAr.

Forty fourth pAsuram – (Ura ninaindha…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of speaking as a nAyaki (heroine, pirAtti, consort of SrIman nArAyaNa) who is suffering in separation due to the lengthy night and is mercifully explaining it.

Ura ninaindha madal Uravum oNNAdhapadi
kUr iruL sEr kanguludan kUdi ninRu pErAmal
thIdhu seyya mARan thiruvuLLaththuch chenRa thuyar
Odhuvadhingu enganEyO

Alas! How is it possible to explain here the sorrow which reached the divine heart of AzhwAr where the very dark night along with its associates caused harm, without moving away, to not allow him to perform the madal which he set out to perform?

Forty fifth pAsuram – (enganE nIr munivadhu…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of uruveLippAdu (visualisation) and is mercifully explaining it.

enganE nIr munivadhu ennai ini nambi azhagu
inganE thOnRuginRadhu en munnE – angan
uru veLippAdA uraiththa thamizh mARan
karudhumavarkku inbak kadal

Can all of you be angry at me now? thirukkuRungudi nambi’s physical beauty is appearing in front of my eyes; for those who meditate upon AzhwAr who mercifully revealed thamizh vEdham, who explained in this manner through the poetic style of uruveLippAdu, such AzhwAr will remain as an ocean of bliss.

Forty sixth pAsuram – (kadal gyAlaththu….) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of sustaining himself through anukAram (enacting) and is mercifully explaining it.

kadal gyAlaththIsanai mun kANAmal nondhE
udanA anukarikkaluRRuth – thidamAga
vAyndhavanAyth thAn pEsum mARan urai adhanai
AyndhuraippAr Atcheyya nORRAr

AzhwAr being unable to see emperumAn in front of him, with his eyes, in this world surrounded by ocean, became anguished and tried sustaining himself by enacting emperumAn, and with firm faith, spoke as emperumAn; knowing the greatness of such AzhwAr’s SrIsUkthis, those who recite them, have performed penance to serve such AzhwAr.

Forty seventh pAsuram – (nORRa nOnbu…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s loving pAsurams of worshipping and surrendering at the divine feet of vAnamAmalai [emperumAn], and is mercifully explaining it.

nORRa nOnbAdhiyilEn undhanai vittARRagillEn
pERRukkupAyam unRan pEraruLE – sARRuginREn
ingennilai ennum ezhil mARan sol vallAr

AzhwAr who acquired beauty, mercifully spoke on this aspect [of upAyam] “I have no involvement in upAyams such as karma yOgam etc which are pursued as means for mOksham; I am unable to sustain without you; I am announcing that your great grace is the means for the purushArtham”. Those who can recite these merciful pAsurams will become eternally fresh nectar for nithyasUris in SrIvaikuNtam.

Forty eighth pAsuram – (ArAvamudhAzhwAr…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of being shaken and speaking with anguish even after surrendering to ArAvamudhAzhwAr highlighting his own emptyness and emperumAn not fulfilling his desire considering “ivar nammAzhwAr” (here is our AzhwAr), and is mercifully explaining it.

ArAvamudhAzhwAr Adhariththa pERugaLaith
thArAmaiyAlE thaLarndhu migath thIrAdha
Asaiyudan ARRAmai pEsi alamandhAn
mAsaRu sIr mARan emmAn

Since AzhwAr’s desired results were not mercifully fulfilled by ArAvavamudhan, AzhwAr became very anguished with intense desire which cannot be pacified until fulfilled. Being shaken, he spoke about his sorrow; such AzhwAr is our lord who has unblemished qualities.

Forty ninth pAsuram – (mAnalaththAl mARan…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of going to thiruvallavAzh and being anguished in the enjoyable aspects in the garden surrounding the town itself and is mercifully explaining it.

mAnalaththAl mARan thiruvallavAzh pugap pOyth
thAn iLaiththavvUr thannarugil mEnalangith
thunbamuRRuch chonna solavu kaRpAr thangaLukkup
pin piRakka vENdA piRa

With great love, AzhwAr mercifully started towards thiruvallavAzh dhivyadhESam but being unable to reach there, fell down due to weakness in the garden surrounding the town, became bewildered further, being anguished, mercifully spoke these divine words. For those who can learn them, after learning so, they will not be born in births which are outside the scope of emperumAn’s divine feet.

Fiftieth pAsuram – (piRandhulugam…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of requesting emperumAn “let me sustain myself and enjoy your activities in your incarnations” and is mercifully explaining it.

piRandhulagam kAththaLikkum pErarutkaNNA un
siRandha guNaththAl urugum seelaththiRam thavirndhu
sErndhanubavikkum nilaiseyyenRa sIrmARan
vAyndha padhaththE manamE vaigu

Oh heart! You reside at the matching divine feet of SrI nammAzhwAr, who prayed to the greatly merciful krishNa who incarnates in the worlds and protects all, saying “Oh krishNa! Mercifully allow me to reach you and enjoy you, giving up the melting of the heart, by meditating upon your auspicious qualities”.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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