thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi – 16 – vaigundhan vandhu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Essence of thiruvAimozhi 2.6


In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of pacifying ISvaran as ISvaran unnecessarily doubted “What if AzhwAr who enjoys me saying in thiruvAimozhi 2.5.4appozhudhaikkappozhudhu en ArAvamudham‘ (my unquenchable nectar, every moment), leaves me claiming himself to be unqualified” and is mercifully explaining it.

How is that done? As AzhwAr, who united joyfully with sarvESvaran, said in thiruvAimozhi 2.5.5allAvi uL kalandha” (emperumAn united with the lowly self) and highlighted his lowliness. emperumAn unnecessarily doubted “What if he thinks to leave me as he did in thiruvAimozhi 1.5vaLavEzh ulagu‘?” and became perplexed; seeing that, AzhwAr became blissful thinking “How much subservience and motherly care he has towards me!”  explaining the many reasons why he would not leave emperumAn and eliminating his doubt. Thus he sustains him in thiruvAimozhi 2.6vaikundhA maNivaNNan“; mAmunigaL mercifully explains this starting with “vaigundhan vandhu“.


vaigundhan vandhu kalandhadhiRpin vAzh mARan
seyginRa naichchiyaththaich chindhiththu – naiginRa
thanmai thanaik kaNdu unnaiththAn vidEn enRuraikka
vanmai adaindhAn kEsavan


word-by-word meanings

vaigundhan – sarvESvaran who owns nithya vibhUthi (SrIvaikuNtam)
vandhu kalandhadhan pin – after arriving and uniting (with him)
vAzh – sustained
mARan – AzhwAr
seyginRa naichchiyaththai – looking at the naichyAnushandhAnam (highlighting oneself to be very lowly) done
sindhiththu – (bhagavAn) becoming worried
naiginRa thanmai thanaik kaNdu – seeing him breaking down
unnai vidEn enRu uraikka – as AzhwAr mercifully said to him “I will not leave you (who are fearing that I will separate from you)”
kEsavan – emperumAn
vanmai adaindhAn – became calm

Simple Translation

AzhwAr sustained himself after sarvESvaran who owns nithya vibhUthi, arrived and united, but started performing naichyAnushandhAnam; looking at that emperumAn became worried and started breaking down; seeing that, as AzhwAr mercifully said to him “I will not leave you”, emperumAn became calm.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam

  • vaigundhan vandhu kalandhadhan pin – After sarvESvaran, who owns nithya vibhUthi, united with AzhwAr seamlessly as said in thiruvAimozhi 2.5.1andhAmaththanbu seydhu en Avi sEr ammAn” (after emperumAn entering my heart with the same desire he has on paramapadham).
  • vAzh mARanAzhwAr who was enlivened by that union.
  • seyginRa naichchiyaththaich chindhiththu – Seeing AzhwAr trying to leave him saying himself to be “allAvi“, ISvara became worried “what is going to happen now?”
  • naiginRa thanmai thanaik kaNdu – AzhwAr seeing how emperumAn is breaking down.
  • unnaith thAn vidEn enRuraikka – Saying “I will not leave you who are fearful of separating from me” as mercifully said towards ISvaran in “unnai nAn pidiththEn koL sikkanavE” (realize that I am firmly holding on to you) [1st pAsuram], “unnai enganam vidugEn” (How can I leave you?) [4th pAsuram], “andhamil adimai adaindhEn viduvEnO” (after acquiring boundless joyful servitude towards you, there is no reason to leave you) [5th pAsuram], “unnai nAn adaindhEn viduvEnO” (after you who are of such qualities having united with me, how will I leave you?) [10th pAsuram].
  • vanmai adaindhAn kEsavan – As said in samkshEpa rAmAyaNam 85 “… vijvara: pramumOdha ha …” (having his fever removed, SrI rAma is happy), and as said in “thuLakkaRRamudhamAy engum pakka nOkkaRiyAdhE” (emperumAn, who is without any fear, and is like nectar, cannot see anywhere else now other than me) [2nd pAsuram] and “en maradhaga malaiyE” (one who makes his emerald mountain like form available to me) [4th pAsuram], kEsavan emperumAn who has beautiful hair, attained calmness.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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