nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi – 45 – purindhu malarittu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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In the previous pAsurams, AzhwAr had mentioned that  thiruvEngadamalai (thirumalai) is the goal for samsAris by saying “senRu vaNanguminO sENuyar vEngadaththai” and “pozhil vEngadamalaikkE pOm”. In this pAsuram he says that thirumalai is the goal for not only the ordinary samsAris but it is so for the distinguished nithyasUris too.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

purindhu malarittup puNdarIgappAdham
parindhu padu kAdu niRpa therindhengum
thAnOngi niRkinRAn thaNNaruvi vEngadamE
vAnOrkkum maNNOrkkum vaippu

Word for Word Meanings

puNdaraIgappAdham – at the divine lotus-like feet
purindhu – with affection
malarittu – offering flowers
parindhu – praise emperumAn
padu kAdu niRpa – prostrating before emperumAn like a tree lies after being felled
engum – at all places
therindhu – being seen
thAn Ongi ninRAn – emperumAn who has taken residence, with his great auspicious qualities, such emperumAn’s
thaN aruvi vEngadamE – only thirumalai with cool streams
vAnOrkkum – for nithyasUris (permanent dwellers of SrIvaikuNtam)
maNNOrkkum – for people of this world too
vaippu – like a treasure


puNdarIgappAdham – Just as it is mentioned in SrI vishNu suktham “vishNOr padhE paramE madhva uthsa: ” (streams of honey are dripping from the supremely divine feet of vishNu) and in thiruvAimozhi 1-5-8thEnE malarum thiruppAdham” (the divine feet from which honey will drip), the divine feet of emperumAn which are very sweet like lotus from which honey is dripping.

purindhu malar ittu – offering flower etc with lot of affection. Reference to flower is equivalent to inclusion of water, lamp, smoke (incense) etc [which are used in thiruvArAdhanam, the daily worship of emperumAn].

parindhu padu kAdu niRpa – devotees will be worried about the place, saying “it is an area with lot of danger. What will happen?” They will prostrate before emperumAn there, like trees which have been felled in dense forests.

therindhu engum thAnOngi niRkinRAn – one who is standing majestically atop the hill, displaying his auspicious qualities such as simplicity etc so that they can be seen by all. Just as it is mentioned in thiruvAimozhi 4-5-10kaNdavARRAl thanadhE ulagena ninRAn ” (he stood in such a manner that it was evident to those who saw him that the world is his).

padukAdu niRpath therindhengum thAnOngi niRkinRAn – amidst the fallen trees, he stands tall like a huge tree which is standing firmly. Isn’t he praised by vEdhas, such as “vruksha iva sthabdha:” (supreme being is standing like the tree which does not bow)!

thaNNaruvi vEngadamE – it is a place which has cool streams which remove the heat from emperumAn as well as his followers.

vAnOrkkum maNNOrkkum vaippu – it will be like a huge benefit, similar to a treasure, for both nithyasUris and samsAris.

maNNOr – this could be construed as SrIvaishNavas from samsAram.

We will take up the 46th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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